


No holds barred, this could be the chance of your lifetime to profit from gold. World events are fueling the precious metal’s 10-year historic rise with no end in sight.
I’ve been telling my followers to prepare now: dump your dollars and buy gold— in particular, junior gold mining companies. One gold exploration company that I think everyone should put on their radar and start researching right now is
All American Gold Corp. (AAGC.OB).

So far this year, I’ve only purchased junior gold miners. My entire portfolio is 81% junior gold miners—75% of them, like AAGC, are focused on Nevada projects. When it comes to my personal exposure, for every dollar I have invested in physical gold, I have over 5 dollars invested in mining stocks, specifically junior mining stocks!

AAGC could be one of the best junior golds I’ve seen in my life. With three properties showing gold potential—and in just the early exploration stages—I expect AAGC is going to be even bigger than any of us imagine.

Currently, AAGC has received permits for 21 holes on just one of the properties, Goldfield West. These results could potentially turn this company into a winning lottery ticket for shareholders. In fact, even if AAGC just had Goldfield West, I would still be making this BUY recommendation. That’s how confident I am in All American Gold Corp. (AAGC).

Last time gold was recognized as real money in a modern society, gold or gold stocks represented an average of 25% of financial assets. Today, it’s below 1%. If this number was to ever reach its historical average, gold would need to be around $31,000 an ounce to equal 25% of global financial assets. This is why I believe the gold bull market has barely scratched the surface.

The shift from the fiat currency experiment back into hard assets will be epic, something none of us will ever forget for the rest of our lives. In fact, decisions you make today about owning gold stocks could literally change your life.

One of the contributing factors to gold’s rise is inflation. Inflation is not the actual increase in the price of goods but rather the expansion of the money supply by the government—QE1 and QE2 and their massive cash infusions.
As the cash gets released to market, the price of goods and services goes up. Repeat this cycle a few times and you have all the makings of hyperinflation. Inflation is robbing the wealth of our generation. And as the cost of food and essentials rises, the poor and middle class have a terrible time making
ends meet.
In steps the government to the rescue with entitlement programs and handouts. With the US government already in massive debt, it has no way to pay for these programs and is therefore, being forced to print more money to pay off debt. This very action radically devalues the dollar.
Add to that the retiring baby boomers who are ready for their fair share of Social Security and Medicare—and whose spending has peaked.
With the boomers retiring they’re making less—and now spending less money on housing, education, goods and services. There are fewer people in the generation behind them to make up for the deficit in spending. All of this means the government will take in less and spend more.

Hyperinflation is good news… if you’re an investor in gold. Sure it makes your dollars worth pennies but… gold is, and always has been, the best bet against inflation. When looking at the dollar index, gold always rises against a falling dollar. Take a look at the chart below:
Gold is the great protector of wealth. Should what is called a Black Swan Event occur—a major event with disastrous economic consequences like a price spike in oil, or a major credit rating agency like Moody’s downgrades the US rating— it would be a massive blow to our economy. We have already seen the havoc just wreaked by the S&P downgrade.
Think currency crisis in the extreme and a major blow to an already fragile economic situation. The Black Swan could be the knockout hit, sending gold to $3,000, $5,000, even $10,000 an ounce!
You can read much more about this in my exclusive hyperinflation report, Inflation Nation: How to bulletproof your portfolio and prepare for the future. You can buy it today through this exclusive offer below.
In the meantime…

People who are paid and save in dollars have seen their savings decimated in the last century. A one dollar bill from 100 years ago is barely worth 3 cents in today's purchasing power. Gold, on the other hand, is worth $1,800+ an ounce! Remember, the US dollar is a fiat currency backed by nothing.
Gold, on the other hand, is heading toward $2,500 an ounce currently and is projected to go to $5,000, even $10,000 an ounce. For investing purposes, I like gold mining companies—particularly junior gold companies like AAGC for the tremendous gains they can potentially deliver to shareholders.
Should AAGC be sitting on a major gold discovery, based on historic data, core samples, mineralization reports and discoveries and/or production on surrounding properties, an acquisition could be in the cards.

Everyone should hold a position in gold and I believe AAGC may be positioned perfectly for the coming gold boom.
With properties in Nevada surrounded by some of the largest gold producers in the world, drilling already started, a technical advisor who is responsible for major gold discoveries in Nevada and the potential for a buyout by a major in light of the scarcity of gold, AAGC is my junior gold exploration breakout play for 2011.
10 out of 10 for gold exploration buys of the year.

To protecting your wealth with gold,

Daniel Ameduri
Chief Strategist







過去十年,擔任內地一隻私募基金投資總監的幹躍忠,個多月前決定離職,並在上海近郊租田,準備經營農業,以種花為主,賣到市場。捱過金融海嘯,到這 一刻才離場,他表示,看不到各國有甚麼有效方式挽救經濟,相信未來至少兩三年,股市不會有明顯升浪。幹躍忠表示,全球農產品供不應求的情況會持續,加上通 脹壓力持續,認為目前從事農業,風險更低,回報更好。







情 況似乎真有點可怖,但這卻是一個難以避免的客觀規律。敝欄在一兩年前曾向讀者簡介,一位名叫Gordon T. Long的經濟評論家,參照Hyman Minsky的「金融不安定假設」理論,提出一個模型,指出2011年至2012年期間世界進入一個貨幣崩潰時代。目前黃金贏了所有法定貨幣(註:日圓在 「廣場協議」後大幅升值,故日圓金價現仍低於1980年高峰水平),就是這樣一個時代的客觀反映。高昂的金價只是這個時代的一把標尺。與其說是黃金出現泡 沫的話,毋寧說是法定貨幣的泡沫已在不斷爆破。

法 定貨幣是由政府印製及發行,它發生危機政府是責無旁貸。為了不讓世人對法定貨幣的信心加速崩潰,央行在必要時往往作出某種行動。例如上周央行在瑞士法郎宣 布貶值後大力壓抑金價,在一分鐘沽出超過4000張黃金合約,使金市在兩分鐘內出現暴跌50元(美元.下同)的「秒殺」現象,類似行動在上周五香港傍晚時 分又施行過一次。但瑞士法郎貶值是其失去避難所的角色,黃金幾乎成為唯一的避難所,故金價低跌即有資金買進,使上周金價出現極罕有的數度大上大落的場面, 周末仍以1858.6元收市。
簡 單地說,這是民間力量與政府力量之間的角力,此角力在今周會延續下去。嚴格地說,政府力量只屬潮流反動的角色,但短期不宜忽視它的作為。金市畢竟已如敝欄 上期估計進入接近短期頂部,出現超買及需要調整階段,上周推進至曾估計過的1920元,後跌至略低於1800元,相信都是這樣市勢可理解的表現。上周末央 行在金價反彈到1883元後顯得猶豫,之後再度出手干預,使該價位有可能成為短期第二高點。

PS :多謝石林老師 ^-^

10 years later, and the best performing asset is......

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