


熊 貓金銀幣的發行量已經公佈,數量非常大,說明我們的決策機構對於市場還是錯誤的判斷了。除非熊貓金銀幣明年解決回購機制,這樣大的發行量,除金幣總公司 外,所有的都是輸家。特許為了所謂的業績,去扛根本賣不了的熊貓,會賠的很慘。銀行去年在黃金價格上漲期,賣的不錯,但被欺騙高價買的銀行客戶,網絡查詢 後覺得被銀行欺騙,再加上明年黃金價格波動,銷售將會一落千丈。投資者買了特許拋售的貨,以為能掙錢,不好意思,一批接一批。國內特許的,國外香港走私回 流的,銀行客戶寒心拋售的,所以,奉勸大家保存資金實力,讓熊貓變成真正的投資銀幣,讓投機商賠錢去吧。

今 年年末為什麼金銀幣人氣不好,關鍵是新品太多太多。上半年太少,下半年太多。造成市場資金緊缺,人氣極度渙散。根據內部人士透露,明年發行項目不多,發行 時間比較均衡。除增加部分大規格金銀幣滿足市場供求,小規格的基本沒有擴大發行量。年底資金回籠後,特許和商戶的資金將相對寬鬆。全國各地在清理交易所, 對於文化產業的郵票和錢幣市場是利好。擴容是雙刃劍,如果適中有利於市場發展,如果過量,將摧毀市場的信心和價值體系。修養生息,消化今年的擴容壓力是明年市場的主旋律。實際上,目前國內的收藏投資群體的擴大還是顯而易見的,比如辛亥百年金銀幣,消化徹底,價格堅挺,這麼大的發行量,這麼好的表現,說明市場的承載能力確實強大了。因此,我們在市場低迷時候不要喪失信心,不要過度悲觀。按照自己的估值與擅長謹慎參與金銀幣市場。機會是跌出來的。我本人非常欣賞一個寧波的朋友,水滸三組特許的原始價格在6000多,而同材質同發行量已經消化一年的水滸二組價格還在5300左右,他就出手求購。這些朋友確實很智慧,投資第一是價值投資,第二是防範風險,類似長線品種如此接近材質的估值,上漲空間遠遠大於下跌空間。所以,本人還是長線看好金銀幣市場,但是明年的休養生息是必須的。

馬兄給你一些資料,關於 Registered & Eligible


COMEX 101:

All About the Gold and Silver Futures Market


What is in the Warehouses?

COMEX has several warehouses for metals (see the lists for silver and gold). They contain lots of silver. They had 115.452 million ounces (as of 09 Apr 2010), worth about $4001.57 million. This is split into two categories: Eligible and Registered. 

Eligible silver is silver that has been purchased (and paid for) by a long at some point in the past (that they are currently paying storage fees for), and is eligible for delivery at any point that the client wants. It has been assigned to the clients, who have the serial numbers of their bars.

Registered silver is silver that is sitting in the COMEX warehouse, and can be used to settle a contract. Apparently, shorts can buy this silver from bullion banks at the current price, and use it to settle the contract.

As of 09 Apr 2010, there were 53.620 million ounces of registered silver (available), worth about $1858.47 million and 61.832 million ounces of eligible silver (customer owned) in the COMEX warehouses, worth about $2143.10.




房貸止贖風波未息 美國麻州控告美銀、富國、花旗等5家銀行


美國麻州(Massachusetts)周四(1日)控告美國銀行(Bank of America)(BAC-US)、摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)(JPM-US)等 5 家金融機構,指稱業者以欺騙手法處理房貸業務。
除上述兩家銀行外,麻州總檢察官Martha Coakley也一併起訴了富國銀行(Wells Fargo)(WFC-US)、花旗集團(Citigroup)(C-US)與GMAC。

Coakley在記者會上指出,這 5 家銀行處理房貸止贖案件時的「違法與欺騙」行為,已違背麻州法律;上述行為包括違法止贖、偽造文書以及竄改房貸內容等。
美國銀行業的房貸止贖風波已延續一年有餘,全美各州檢察長紛紛對銀行提告,監管機構也盼藉此制定一套全國適用的房貸規範;業界預計這將是繼 1998 年菸草業之後,規模最大的產業監管改造。
Coakley強調,銀行有 1 年多的時間對違法只贖行為作出建設性的回應,但卻沒有,突顯業者不負責任的態度。

CNBC: Gold Has Peaked, Won't See $2,000/oz

Do you trust CNBC, or Jim Sinclair and Alf Fields on the future of gold?

Cold On Gold , Gold Goes Cold

I don’t think gold breaks $2,000 an ounce. I think gold has basically peaked and is now a bit overvalued. My prediction is that people will buy more stocks than gold. I’m optimistic about the stock market, so I would not be a gold buyer.
- Larry Kudlow

A cessation of quantitive easing could open up the black hole of Calcutta for the general equities markets in a way that very few really understand.  You could see thousands of points taken off that market in a very short period of time.

The only way to overcome that would be by whatever name you called it to start the QE again.  That would be indicative of a total loss of control.  So the question is what would the price of gold be if it became publicly undeniable that control of the economic functions for the believers no longer resided in Federal Reserves and central banks?  The answer is gold would do what it historically attempts to do and that is to balance the balance sheet of the United States of America’s external foreign debt...and when we do the calculations we come up with a figure that is in excess of $12,500.
-Jim Sinclair

Kudlow's prediction for 2012 is prominently displayed on CNBC here 


The Final Prophecies (New World Currency Revealed)





JP Morgan Makes Another Big Adjustment in its COMEX Inventories

As the December delivery month revs up, massive inventory volatility in COMEX silver warehouses continued Wednesday, with major withdrawals from Brink's and Scotia, and another big adjustment in JP Morgan vaults.


*Brink's had a withdrawal of 232,815 ounces out of eligible vaults

*Delaware had a small withdrawal of 1,955 ounces out of eligible vaults

*No Changes for HSBC

*JP Morgan adjusted 47,860 ounces OUT of REGISTERED vaults, and into eligible vaults.
This comes on the heels of last weeks' 614k ounce adjustment from eligible to registered at JPM!
Can you say musical chairs!?!

*Scotia Mocatta had a withdrawal of 340,563 ounces out of eligible vaults
*Scotia also had a large deposit of 600,326 ounces into eligible vaults

*TOTAL COMEX REGISTERED SILVER inventories declined by 47,860 ounces to 34,004,014 ounces
*TOTAL COMEX ELIGIBLE SILVER inventories increased to 74,166,794 ounces
*TOTAL COMEX SILVER Inventories increased to 108,170,808 ounces
1.4 Million ounces of MF Global Clients' registered silver remains confiscated (likely by JP Morgan) and unavailable for delivery
*Registered ounces of metal currently not available for delivery
as of 11/4/11 due to MFGI bankruptcy. Included in above totals.

DEPOSITORY  Registered 
Brinks 210,320
Delaware 65,706
HSBC 793,734
Scotia Mocatta 351,156



以下是來自香港金融管理局(Hong Kong Monetary Authority, 簡稱﹕香港金管局)的一篇新聞稿﹕







John Mauldin說得好,船不沉由自可,一沉起來,通常是即沉。
