
上市銳減 一葉知秋

環 球股市踏入今年後一片興旺。截至周三止,富時環球股市指數 (FTSE All-World equity index) 今年至今已升逾 1 成,處於 8 個月高位附近;美股三大指數平均表現更佳,標普 500 指數和納斯達克指數升幅分別為 11.76% 及 19.19%,升幅最小的道指亦上升了 7.44%。股市勁升,市場氣氛佳,理應有不少企業會趁機攪上市,奇怪的是,今年首季的上市招股活動卻是自 2009 年次季以來最差,反映股市只是表面風光,實際危機暗藏。
全球四大會計師樓之一的安永會計師事務所 (Ernst & Young) 剛發表的統計數據顯示,今年首季全球只有 157 隻新股上市,集資額合共 143 億美元,較去年同期有 296 家公司招股上市,合共集資 466 億美元,集資額少了足足 69%。
157 家新上市企業,只有1家的集資額是超過 10 億美元。荷蘭有線電視營運商 Ziggo 獨佔鰲頭,惟集資額亦僅為 11 億美元,緊隨其後的瑞士市場拓展服務集團 DKSH Holding Ltd.,集資額為 8.97 億美元,而於上海交易所招股隻資 7.94 億美元的中國交通建設股份有限公司(China Communications Construction Company Limited,上市編號 1,800)亦成功搶佔三甲一席。
首 次公開招股的企業數量銳降,一方面與國營企業上市數量大減有關,另一方面則是由於歐元區主權債務危機的陰影籠罩,前景欠明朗,削弱了企業上市意欲。新上市 企業以科網行業數量較多,美國首季有32家公司招股上市,當中有11家是科技公司,比率逾 1/3,集資額合共 11 億,則是總集資額 48 億美元的不足 1/4。
未 知是否蘋果公司今年股價長升長有,升幅超過 5 成,令股民對科技股產生無限憧憬,尋金熱下,科網股對投資者的吸引力亦較大。最近一隻上市科網股為商業及服務評估網站 Yelp,於 3 月初首次公開上市,首日收報 24.68 美元,較招股價的 15 美元狂漲 65%,難怪股民對科技股趨之若鶩。市場下一焦點必然是盛傳於 5 月正式掛牌的 Facebook,現時市場對 Facebook 估值逾千億美元,上市料可掀起另一番熱潮。
雖 然於亞洲公開招股的企業數量於首季銳減,但香港、深圳及上海仍能保住全球市場頭 5 強的領先地位,隨着上海股市快將對外全面開放,大量外資企業湧往中國上市,估計上海及香港交易所仍可受惠。但在一個真正的牛市,理應百花齊放,今年首季除 了上市公司數量大減,平均交投量亦大幅萎縮,正正反映投資者對後市仍存在疑慮。


美爆發大規模信用卡個資外洩 Visa萬事達卡已發出警告

美國周五 (30 日) 傳出信用卡資料大規模外洩事件。付款處理公司 Global Payments (環滙)(GPN-US) 證實,其電腦之前恐遭駭客入侵。估計受害用卡人恐逾 1000 萬人。全球兩大信用卡發卡系統Visa (V-US) 及萬事達卡 (MasterCard)(MA-US) 已對主要發卡銀行發出警告。

資安部落格《Krebs On Security》率先披露這起事件,《華爾街日報》隨後報導受害企業為 Global Payments,該公司之後也證實,他們自行發現並通報付款處理系統有部分遭非授權侵入,且本月初確認信用卡資料恐被竊取。

Global Payments 不願說明事關哪些資訊,但表示已通知同業這起事件,好讓持卡人受害程度降到最低。目前無法確定究竟有多少信用卡資料被竊取,也還不清楚是否已有持卡人遭盜刷。

Global Payments 不願證實有多少信用卡可能受到影響。《CNNMoney》報導,資料恐遭竊取的持卡人可能逾 1000 萬名。

Visa 及萬事達卡周五澄清,他們的網路並未受到入侵;但證實所有主要發卡銀行都可能受害,持卡人交易資料恐遭竊取。根據《華爾街日報》取得資料,Visa 告知發卡銀行,今年 1 月 21 日至 2 月 25 日的信用卡交易資料恐外洩。

S.C. House Panel OKs Gold, Silver as Legal Tender

COLUMBIA, S.C. — South Carolina residents would be able to use gold and silver coins as currency under a bill advanced Tuesday by a House panel.

The measure approved by the House Judiciary Committee would let people use the precious metals as money as long as businesses agree to take them. Legislators had made the argument that they didn't want to force businesses to take the metals and have to figure out the worth of the coins from one day to the next and amended the bill to remove such a requirement.

Advocates of the measure say the metal coins are more stable than the dollar, although Rep. Greg Delleney, who chaired the subcommittee that studied the bill, has previously warned that, if the dollar collapses, people will be in trouble no matter what the metals are worth.

The bill that advanced Tuesday would also exempt the coins from any sales tax, a provision also included in the only other similar bill to become law in the country. Last year, Utah became the first state in the country to legalize gold and silver coins as currency, exempting the sale of the coins from state capital gains taxes. Several other states including North Carolina have explored similar bills.

The U.S. and many other countries largely abandoned gold-backed money during World War I because they needed to print more cash to pay for the war. Later, during the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt took steps that essentially prohibited gold and silver as legal currency to prevent hoarding.

In 1971, President Nixon formally abandoned the gold standard. The U.S. Mint later began producing the gold and silver American Eagle coins, primarily aimed at investment portfolios and allowing people to trade them at market value but with capital gains taxes on profits.

The bill now moves to the House floor. Delleney has said that, while he sees no downside in the measure, putting blind trust in the value of gold and silver is misplaced.

"We're basically creating an alternative currency," Delleney, R-Chester, said Tuesday.



踏進二十一世紀, 自2000年6月後,黃金和白銀在貴金屬市場的價格偏向牛市,而且依目前來看,這趨勢有繼續的迹象。
中國人對黃金的熱愛來自民間及官方,根據最新數字顯示,中國不單超越了印度成為全球最大實物黃金的消費國,甚至有報道(Forbes, 2012年1月12日)記載專家分析,若中國官方維持定時買進黃金政策,金價牛市便會持續下去。
對於香港及國內的散戶來說,在以上黃金利好的消息下,可算是進入「紙黃金」(paper gold)的投資世代。
冒險買紙金 保本買實金
倫 敦金市商(London Bullion Market Association, LBMA)就是以紙黃金的成交單價,作黃金現貨金價格的報價。這些黃金憑證可分為兩種:分配賬戶(allocated account)和非分配賬戶(unallocated account)。
筆 者想起紙醉金迷這句成語,我們平常大多用紙醉金迷比喻奢侈浮華的享樂生活,但紙醉金迷原文出自宋.陶穀《清異錄》,是說唐昭宗時,有個醫生孟斧因時常出入 王宮為皇室成員治病,所以對宮室建築留下深刻的印象。後來他把家中一個小房間精心布置,把所有的器物都貼上金紙,金光四射,十分耀眼。有親眼看過的人,回 去跟別人說:「此室暫憩,令人金迷紙醉。」

Don't Wait to Buy Silver, Buy Silver and Wait!




最近在博客和網站對黃金關注的較少,不少網友通過郵件、微博和博客跟帖詢問黃金走勢,前兩天上海期貨交易所邀請我為幾家公募基金的商品貴金屬基金的負責人講黃金,現將基本觀點講一點,近幾日會將較完整的思路進一步發佈。 現在,所有投資黃金和貴金屬的人最關心的焦點,一是黃金大牛市會不會結束;二是如果黃金大牛市繼續,黃金調整的深度怎樣。今天,先回答第一個問題。 黃金大牛市是否會結束,這是一個不能回避的問題,也是一個“理性預測分析家”與“死多頭”的分別;是一個“戰略洞察者”與“既得利益者”的區別。 對於一個理性分析家而言,確認黃金大牛市是否結束絕不是拍腦袋,而是要靠一個完整系統的分析框架。 本輪黃金大牛市的本質,是美元為核心的全球紙幣金融體系的分裂和脆化,乃至崩潰,黃金價格上漲是這個進程的反面寫照,即美元貨幣體系越弱,黃金越漲。 這個過程又分為三個階段,第一階段是1999年-2008年3月,金價由每盎司252美元上漲到1032美元,歐元誕生,挑戰美元,黃金充當歐元美元擂臺賽裁判所推動;第二階段,金價由682美元上漲到1920美元,是政府救市,債務急劇增加,出現嚴重的財政赤字,債務違約,為主權債務危機階段;第三階段:是紙幣危機階段,紙幣嚴重貶值,美元紙幣體系解體,甚至金本位回歸。金價將在2000美元以上大幅上漲。 現在各國財政赤字,國家債務持續上漲,各國已經很難避免濫印紙幣的惡性循環,如果這樣下去,會進入金價上漲的第三階段,也就是新一輪大牛市。 然而,必須指出的是,不排除另一種情形,即主要貨幣霸權國家——美國,利用其超強的軍事實力,通過非常規手段——戰爭或社會動亂,達成其摧毀其他競爭對手,使美元“剩者為王”的可能。 美元“剩者為王”需要同時滿足以下幾個條件:1,紙幣歐元解體,同時歐盟不推出與黃金掛鈎的金歐元;2,輕易戰勝伊朗,摧毀其主要的伊斯蘭宗教對手;3,長期(2個月以上)封鎖波斯灣,導致中國樓市崩潰,金融危機,巨量熱錢流往美國。 儘管同時達成上述三個目標概率較低,但也並非完全不可能。所以,還是要適當提醒,在理性分析上,黃金大牛市存在結束的可能,未來1-3個月很關鍵,以後再繼續分析吧。


Gold - Independent Money update link

1883年,德國首相俾斯麥(Otto von Bismarck)創立了第一個福利國家,之後,1898~1911年,世界其他國家開始陸續跟進,自此之後,每一個領袖 (無論他叫國王、總統或總理),都必須面對兩種民意基礎:一種是不滿目前所繳的稅、堅決反對加稅的納稅人;另一種是得到政府好處的既得利益者。觸怒任何一種人,領袖的政治生涯都可能就此畫上句點,因此領袖們發現,自己沒有辦法說實話,他不能說天下沒有白吃的午餐,稅必須繳、各種福利也必須要有所節制,因此領袖們只好採取第二種策略,借錢(印鈔票)來支應支出,卻不加稅。這麼一來,至少一時之間,沒有人注意到每一單位的貨幣因為供給增加,價值略為減少。這就是人性,因此每一個政府都會選擇第二條路,結果毫無例外,國家貨幣的價值逐漸下降,這就是通貨膨脹的真相。





儘 管金銀價格還沒有明顯見底的跡象,但2012年版的熊貓金銀幣卻再度受到熱捧,尤其是兩週前面市的熊貓銀幣,在發行量大幅擴容的背景下,投資者依然趨之若 鶩。不過,記者發現,目前熊貓金銀幣投資仍存在部分誤區,有的投資者將熊貓金銀幣當成紀念幣購買,有的投資者不知道影響熊貓金銀幣價格的主要因素是什麼, 有的投資者不知道哪裡買更適合。  


 2012年版的熊貓銀幣已於2週前正式面市,記者近日在部分銀行和中國金幣特許經銷商處了解到,儘管金銀價格還沒有明顯見底的跡象,但2012年版的 熊貓銀幣再度受到熱捧。上海銀泰文化藝術品公司市場部經理李明昨日對記者表示,上周平均每天能售出上百枚2012年版熊貓銀幣,很多是新客戶來購買。中國 金幣上海特約經銷部經理詹磊對記者透露,除了熊貓銀幣銷售較好之外,由於近期金價調整比較明顯,而熊貓金幣的價格與國際金價同步波動,因此不少老客戶過來 對熊貓金幣“逢低吸納”。除了 ​​特許經銷商銷售較好之外,銀行方面更是不愁賣,記者昨日從多家銀行了解到,目前投資者想在銀行購買熊貓銀幣,一般要提前半個月左右預定,有的還不一定 能保證數量。 

 熊貓金幣1982年首發,目前已與美國鷹洋金幣、加拿大楓葉金幣、澳大利亞袋鼠金幣、南非福格林金幣並稱為世界五大投資金幣。儘管熊貓金銀幣受到追 捧,但記者發現不少投資者對熊貓金銀幣並不是很了解。熊貓金幣分為精製幣和普制幣,一般1/20盎司——1盎司金幣和1盎司銀幣為普制幣,其餘均為精製 幣。

簡單來說,普制幣屬於投資幣,精製幣屬於紀念幣。普通投資者在銀行買到的多是普制幣,發行量較大,因此更適合投資。而精製熊貓幣一般 為發行數量較少的大規格金銀幣,屬於紀念幣,更適合收藏。投資幣的價格漲落與金銀價格關係密切,而紀念幣的價格變化雖然受到金銀價格的影響,但更多與收藏 市場的景氣相關。   

並非所有的熊貓投資金幣都不適合收藏,上世紀八九十年代發行的部分熊貓金銀幣由於設計精美、數量有限或得過大獎,目前市場價格已脫離國際金價,進入收 藏領域。但近年來熊貓金銀幣發行量越來越大,成倍擴容,等待其進入收藏領域的時間預計比較漫長。 


 由於熊貓金銀幣的投資者隊伍不斷壯大,不少新加入的投資者還不清楚去哪裡購買比較合適。目前購買熊貓金銀幣有三個主流渠道,一個是銀行,一個是金幣總 公司特許經銷商,一個是金銀幣投資收藏市場,


600k Ounces of Silver Withdrawn from Scotia Vaults, Show up in HSBC Vaults Monday

More apparent shenanigans in COMEX silver warehouses Monday, as a nearly identical 600,000 ounce withdrawal from Scotia's registered vault showed up in Brink's eligible ledger.  No need to worry however, as the CME reported the transfers down to the thousandth of an ounce, removing any doubts over the credibility of their reports. 
At least the 3-card Monte will be accounted for properly- minus the 1.4 million ounces still missing from MFG clients.


*Brink's received a deposit of 300,052.660 ounces into eligible vaults
*Brink's also had a withdrawal of 2,010.200 ounces out of eligible vaults

*Scotia Mocatta recported a withdrawal of 611,950.190 ounces out of REGISTERED vaults

*HSBC reported a deposit of a nearly identical 621,198.800 ounces into eligible vaults

*HSBC also adjusted 24.010 ounces out of registered, into eligible vaults

*No Changes for Delaware or our good friends at JP Morgan

*TOTAL REGISTERED Silver declined to 35,448,922.040 ounces
*TOTAL ELIGIBLE Silver increased to 100,203,437.770 ounces
*TOTAL COMEX Silver inventories increased to 135,652,359.810 ounces


As a strangely coincidental supply turned up in JPMorgan vaults almost simultaneously as the MFGlobal clients phyzz went missing, until the CME provides an update of what happened to this stolen inventory, The Doc will continue to provide the latest available info on this from the CME:
*Registered ounces of metal currently not available for delivery
as of 11/4/11 due to MFGI bankruptcy. Included in above totals.


財經 - 環球經濟
2012/03/27, 週二



不過,於上週末(24日)出席聯儲局舉辦、主題為「探討金融危機後全球央行面臨的深遠挑戰」的研討會上,三名具影響力的銀行領袖卻不約而同對寬鬆貨幣政策提出警告。此三名重量級人馬包括:歐洲央行前行長特里謝、日本央行行長白川方明,以及國際結算銀行總經理卡魯安納〔Jamie Caruana〕。

特里謝稱讚歐洲央行的3年LTRO成功穩定市場,但擔憂富爭論性的量寬政策及其他非傳統措施會長期存在,又建議LTRO應附帶條件,讓銀行明白不可利用低利率迴避籌集資本的需要,亦提出因資訊發達而令其他國家爭相效尤,帶出「行為擴散」〔behavoural contagion〕永久風險的疑慮。

白川方明則引述日本長期低息導致經濟緩?增長的經驗,提示其他央行可能面臨的挑戰。他認為,泡沫爆破後,果斷的寬鬆貨幣政策有其需要,但必須留意其副作用。雖然低息紓緩了高負債的痛苦,但卻會降低政府和企業解決債務問題的積極性,不思進取將令經濟停滯不前,亦會導致商品價格飆升,故聯儲局追求穩定而實行低息政策時,亦要考慮對其他國家的影響〔spillovers〕及對本身經濟的反饋效應〔feedback effect〕。




Report: JPM Received $200 Million Margin Call 3 Days Prior to MFG Bankruptcy

Breaking reports state that JP Morgan received a $200 million margin call on London's LIFFE exchange 3 days prior to the MFG Bankruptcy over naked euro put options.  The margin call came when the Dallas Fed refused to offer JPM a line of credit due to JPM's use of TARP funds to write euro derivatives.  The report alleges that a panicked Jamie Dimon called Tim Geithner, Ben Bernanke, and Gary Gensler demanding the problem be taken care of and within the hour, the CME re-issued the $200 million margin call to the counter-party on the derivatives trade (MF Global), and the rest is history
These are the most serious allegations of fraudulent activity in the entire financial collapse to date.  If proven true, while Jon Corzine still deserves serious hard time for using client funds to meet said margin call; sulfur, fire, and brimstone would be too light a judgement for one JPMorgan CEO.

It can now be reported that the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking has new evidence showing that JP Morgan had a $200 million overdraft aka a second margin call on the London LIFFE Exchange three days before the MF Global bankruptcy fiasco was triggered.
The second margin call (the first margin call was four days earlier for $175 million) dealt with cross-collateralized, compounded naked euro currency put options that were written by JP Morgan with the transactions being placed through the CME Group and the aforementioned London LIFFE Exchange.
We can now divulge that, thanks to PROMIS software, MF Global took the opposite side of the trade.
Note: The fact that MF Global took the opposite side of the trade is a significant development and it completely torpedoes the ISDA's (International Swaps and Derivatives Association) legal standing that declared the latest Greek bailout a non-credit event rather than what it really is, a Greek default.
The ISDA's decision has temporarily rewarded crooked banks, as well as Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, and screwed the hedge funds as well as the looted customer segregated accounts that were tied to MF Global.
The fact that two margin calls were issued in a span of one week against JP Morgan is clearly a game changer.
The first margin call aka the overdraft was triggered when the JP Morgan SWIFT wire transfer (to pay for their derivative trades) was rejected by the London LIFFE Exchange after the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank refused to honor the JP Morgan float aka line of credit.
Dallas Fed President and CEO Robert W. Fisher actually notified the New York Fed on that day that JP Morgan was using TARP money (Troubled Relief Asset Program) to write their euro currency option derivatives.
This illegal trading done by JP Morgan violated the terms of the 2008 Bush-Pelosi bank bailout that forbid banks like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan from using U.S. Taxpayers' money to engage in any type of derivative trading.
What followed was the largest 24-hour crime spree aka money laundry in financial history.
Forty-eight hours after JP Morgan's line of credit was rejected (their electronic check bounced creating an overdraft), a second larger margin call was issued to JP Morgan, which set off the following change of events:
Immediately financial terrorist Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan phoned Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and CFTC Chairman Gary Gensler and discussed his predicament.
Within an hour the CME Group re-issued the second margin call singling out only MF Global and removing JP Morgan from its liability.
Fifteen minutes later Jamie Dimon called MF Global CEO Jon Corzine threatening his life and demanding that MF Global meet the $200 million margin call that was originally issued for JP Morgan.
One hour later the crooked ISDA ruled the MF Global trades to be null and void, which then allowed JP Morgan and Jamie Dimon to short the MF Global stock and then, with the approval of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York laundered the proceeds into the London LIFFE Exchange, and issued new naked derivatives which would be used in the latest Greek-Euro bailout ponzi scheme.
Note: Dallas Federal Reserve President and CEO Richard W. Fisher immediately phoned Fed Chairman Bernanke to protest this latest JP Morgan money laundry involving customer segregated accounts.
Bernanke told Fisher, and I quote "Timothy Geithner calls the shots".
Reference: The Federal Reserve Bank of New York tried to disguise this ponzi scheme by first moving the MF Global customer segregated funds through the Dominion Bank of Toronto, Canada and then on to the London LIFFE Exchange.
At this hour we can divulge that Dallas Fed President and CEO Richard W. Fisher is cooperating with U.S. Marshals who are investigating this financial treason and will shortly offer his resignation.
Read more:


來源:中國金幣網 2012年03月27日












High Relief Silver Kookaburra and Kangaroo Coins set for launch

This excellent photograph reflecting the current buzz around high relief silver coins caught our eye on the Silver Lunar blog.

It shows the Year of the Dragon 1oz high relief silver proof release, which has been a tremendous success, with our Kangaroo 1oz high relief silver proof issues from 2010 and 2011.
As the post correctly points out, there are further opportunities for silver coin collectors this year with the imminent release of high relief 2012 Kookaburra and Kangaroo collector coins.
As stated, the Kookaburra will be released in May with a maximum mintage of 10,000. One minor correction is that the Kangaroo won’t be available until July, with a maximum mintage of 20,000 coins.

Treasurer talks about The Perth Mint

Donald Trump & Robert Kiyosaki - Keys To Success.



IndusInd Bank 副主席Pinakin Vyas表示:"最初的市場反應并不好,在三個月內將黃金進口關稅翻番的做法將使消費者難以消化。"他預計2012年印度黃金進口或減少30%。

Bombay Bullion Association首席執行官Prithviraj Kothari表示:"雖然去年進口有所增長,但就目前的下降趨勢而言2012年將會產生較大的降幅。"他預計2012年印度黃金進口總量將為450噸, 為10位受訪者中的最低預估水平。


Buy Gold & Silver Not Real Estate

Try not paying your property taxes. Then we'll see who owns your home.Never get stuck in a mortgage - it's renting with more liability . Gold and Silver are about wealth preservation not income or profit. Precious Metals are money. One doesn't pay property taxes on Precious Metals. Precious Metals are liquid , People have no problem selling them. Good point about how real estate can be seen as liability. I always preferred renting and so i will in the future. Actually it starts when buying a house. If you pay the whole price in cash, well, then you bind so much of your capital at once. On the other hand, if you take a loan, you pay 2-3 times the money the house actually was selling for.


Manipulation of the "Paper Gold" Market

The Value of "Worthless" Paper Gold versus Physical Gold

by Bob Chapman

We have been in and around the gold markets for 53 years and conditions have certainly changed, driven mainly by market manipulation of all markets as a result of the Executive Order, which created the “President’s Working Group on Financial Markets.” Those who doubt that are either on the government payroll one way or the other, or you are just too dumb to understand what is really going on. In spite of these machinations and ignorant naysayers the bull markets in gold and silver are still alive and well. What you are seeing are paper markets and the use of derivatives to effect short-term pricing, especially when negative events are about to occur.

Those events are aided by naked shorting and illegal concentration in both gold and silver and the shares. Mind you, this is being done in a market to control it and in addition government and central banks relish stomping gold and silver into the ground. For years they hid what they were doing. Today their manipulations are in your face. These dramatic forced price falls are fortunately accompanied by heavy buying by China, Russia, India and others.

All the elitists are doing is giving long-term investors an opportunity to purchase both metals at prices far below their real value. Official government inflation figures say gold should be selling at about $2,500 an ounce. Real inflation statistics would have gold selling today at almost $9,000. Such deliberate under pricing is accompanied by financial chaos in Europe and England, high oil prices that reflect the possibility of conflict in the Middle East, the results of $1.4 trillion in loans to 800 European banks, England on the edge of bankruptcy and the continual quantitative easing and things such as Operation Twist by the Federal Reserve. The official government line on statistics is all lies. We see one research report after another pandering to these falsities, which is next to worthless. The professionals and investors continue to use these bogus figures and continue to lose money in the process.

There are few sellers in the physical gold and silver markets. The selling takes place in the paper markets. Demand worldwide for these metals as a store of value has never been stronger. Buyers are countries and flight capital from the Middle East and Asia. The traffic is very intriguing. In China the government promotes gold ownership and has thousands of outlets across the country, as does CIBC. They are called gold savings accounts. Just the opposite is true in the US, UK and Europe, where violation of privacy and freezing or confiscation of assets is possible.

Last year demand for gold rose 20% worldwide and it could top $100 billion in 2012. We are seeing major demand as well for Europe as the euro zone deteriorates without a solution in sight.

We have already seen shortages of 1/5 and ¼ ounce coins from time to time as Europeans gobble them up. These developments are reflections of the ongoing financial problems facing the US, UK and England. Those problems are recognized worldwide and thus, we have massive gold off take by many countries. In tandem all countries are running deficits and it is getting worse not better. The attitude is print money like everyone else is and buy gold at cheap prices. There has to be a lesson to be learned when US dealers go to European wholesalers and get little or no new product. At retailers product offerings are even slimmer.

Gold and silver have been in bull markets since June of 2000 and the trend continues, as nations get deeper in a financial hole, which is reflected in their currencies in the form of higher gold and silver prices. Manipulation of paper gold markets cannot continue on forever. One derivative default and the whole edifice could collapse. Manipulation only allows you to buy cheaper, but once the cartel is out of gold and silver underlying their positions, the game will be over.

The Great Silver Market Myth!



















Asia’s golden future


Asia’s golden future


Chinese Gold Panda coin For most of the last century the default currency for international settlements has been the US dollar. This has given America ultimate power over international trade. In recent months, the US wielded this power against Iran, making life extremely difficult for all Iranians. Importantly it has interrupted oil trade with India, China and Japan. Furthermore SWIFT, the Belgian-based international banking settlement agency, has halted all Iranian interbank transfers.
The sharp lesson for nations in Asia is that their own trade security is best served by having an alternative settlement medium to the dollar and other Western currencies. This function historically belongs to gold, but that is a last resort for central banks, and besides, many Asian central banks are gold-poor. This plays into China’s hands.
China is increasingly keen to provide her own currency for trade settlement purposes. She sees the dollar-monopoly as an important security threat, which is why she has in the past sought alternatives. She is now cautiously promoting her own currency for this role and is developing an offshore renminbi capital market in Hong Kong. At the same time she is evolving from manufacturing consumer goods towards capital goods, for which Hong Kong is the natural financing centre.
Her targeted growth-markets are other rapidly developing economies, as well as the whole Asian continent, and no longer the US and Europe. One of her key strategies through the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation is to build a pan-Asian security and trade bloc in partnership with Russia, and the last element of this 10-year old plan is to settle cross-border trade without using the West’s financial system. China expects to play a major part with her currency, which explains why she is adding to her gold reserves. The relevance of gold is that China will have to show to the people of Asia that her currency has better long-term prospects than the dollar, which goes some way to explaining why so many of the countries associated with the SCO are now also accumulating the metal. This analysis is confirmed by a leaked cable from the US Embassy in Beijing as long ago as April 2009 that can be seen in GATA’s database. As Iran and India also have SCO Observer status they are part of China’s grand strategy, and they have also been buying gold.
At some stage China will need to restate her gold reserves, and given this has to be credible rather that actual, she will probably release a suitable figure showing her to be the second largest holder behind the US. However, she is treading carefully, because she has to extricate herself from monetary relationships with the West, which ideally should be a gradual process: a sudden withdrawal could lead to a global systemic collapse and undermine her own dollar investments.
The question now arises as to whether an escalation of US pressure on Iran and her oil-trading partners will provoke an announcement from China about her gold. In any event there is bound to be a growing realisation of why gold is central to the economic futures of China, Russia and the whole of Asia. China’s financial and economic objectives will completely wrong-foot the major central banks that are committed to the demonetisation of gold.


這是早年前一個私人聚餐上,他正在聆聽一些問題, 當時我見佢好專注咁去了解,就影左幾張相,




金銀幣的設計始於圖稿,而設計師的圖稿設計也並非來自憑空想象。當初,陳堅等人進行貓幣設計時,就花了大量的時間在動物園觀察和拍攝熊貓的形態和動感。 所以,1983年熊貓銀幣的得獎也是名至實歸。過去幾年貓幣的設計, 看來也是有原型的,見圖。

                                           2009  年

                                           2010 年

                                           2012 年


Tungsten-Filled 1 Kilo Gold Bar Found In The UK

The last time a story of Tungsten-filled gold appeared on the scene was just two years ago, and involved a 500  gram bar of gold full of tungsten, at the W.C. Heraeus foundry, the world’s largest metal refiner and fabricator. It also became known that said “gold” bar originated from an unnamed bank. It is now time to rekindle the Tungsten Spirits with a report from ABC Bullion of Australia, which provides photographic evidence of a new gold bar that has been drilled out and filled with tungsten rods, this time not in Germany but in an unnamed city in the UK, where it was intercepted by a scrap metals dealer, and was supplied with its original certificate. The reason the bar attracted attention is that it was 2 grams underweight. Upon cropping it was uncovered that about 30-40% of the bar weight was tungsten. So two documented incidents in two years: isolated? Or indication of the same phenomonenon of precious metal debasement that marked the declining phase of the Roman empire. Only then it was relatively public for anyone who cared to find out on their own. Now, with the bulk of popular physical gold held in top secret, private warehouses around the world, where it allegedly backs the balance sheets of the world’s central banks, yet nobody can confirm its existence, nor audit the actual gold content, it is understandable why increasingly more are wondering: just how much gold is there? And alongside that – while gold, (or is it GLD?), can be rehypothecated, can one do the same with tungsten?


黑色三月 黃金價格四周大跌140美元

SICA財富管理首席投資官Jeffrey Sica稱,“我認為目前黃金的拋售有些過度,黃金走勢和美元與美國推出更多經濟刺激政策的概率密切相關。”儘管全球經濟擔憂和地緣緊張局勢能為金價提供支撐,但金價波動性仍將走高。
“在對全球經濟狀況進行重新評估後,我們認為黃金可能會進一步走低。”德國商業銀行(Commerzbank)分析師Daniel Briesemann稱,“目前消息面不能對黃金形成任何支撐,我們應當為金價進一步走低做好準備。”
匯豐銀行首席商品分析師James Steel稱,“印度不斷積累的黃金需求將成為金價走勢的一個重要影響因素。”
全球最大的黃金上市交易基金(ETF)——SPDR Gold Trust截至3月21日的黃金持倉量維持在1290.25噸水平。
全球最大的白銀ETF——iShares Silver Trust截至3月21日的白銀持倉量減少25.68噸,至9726.99噸。


Perth Mint 2012 Year of the Dragon Ten-Coin Set

PM見中國九彩龍大賣...都唔好執輸,自己出返一套 10隻


Pictures have surfaced of the new Perth Mint "2012 Year of the Dragon Ten-Coin Set" which is coming to Australia next month. As previously mentioned the set will contain the 9 coloured coins as was produced in the Chinese versions and also include a 1oz Silver bullion/specimen round also.

PS PM2012龍幣發行品種資料

1/2 oz Silber
Stempelglanz PP Coloriert PP
1 oz Silber
Stempelglanz PP Gilded Coloriert
Coloriert PP Schwarz coloriert
Ausgabe World Money Fair Berlin (5000 St.)
Privy Mark
Bayerischer Löwe
High Relief PP
1 oz Silber – Color Set (1 x stgl., 9 x verschieden colorierte Exemplare)
Stempelglanz Coloriert Coloriert Coloriert
Coloriert Coloriert Coloriert Coloriert
Coloriert Coloriert Box
2 oz Silber
Stempelglanz PP Coloriert
5 oz Silber
Stempelglanz Coloriert
10 oz Silber
Stempelglanz Coloriert
1 kg Silber
Stempelglanz PP Coloriert Coloriert mit Rubinauge / Gemstone
Coloriert PP
10 kg Silber
1/20 oz Gold
Stempelglanz Coloriert
1/10 oz Gold
Stempelglanz PP Coloriert PP
1/4 oz Gold
Stempelglanz PP Coloriert PP
1/2 oz Gold
1 oz Gold
Stempelglanz PP Coloriert PP
2 oz Gold
10 oz Gold
1 kg Gold
10 kg Gold
(Keine Garantie auf Vollständigkeit)
