

早幾在街接到這一單張,見到 925純銀都收,


上文提及的禪修營是筆者參與最長時間的 一次,訓練程度也是最密集。正如指導禪師大乘比丘指出,禪修就是要開悟,而「悟」是由「心」「吾」組成,可演繹成自己的心。由於煩惱是由心而生,因此,斷 除煩惱就要從心著手。禪修就是引領我們去了解心的運作及其起惑作業的過患,然後加以管理及鍛鍊。是次20日課程主要是修習「安般念」(Anapanasati),即如何透過專注呼吸而達致禪定。





  「止」的訓練就是要將心穩定地繫於「所緣」(此處為呼吸),並透過意念的專注集中而調伏「五蓋」(五種障礙善心,讓禪定及智慧無法發展的阻 礙),即(1)貪欲、(2)瞋恚、(3)昏沉睡眠、(4)掉舉與懊悔、(5)疑惑。最終,令身心能安穩調和,專注於一境,即所謂「善心一境性」,而進入禪 定的狀態。

  由於降服五蓋令不善念不能生起,便能以正知正見去思維觀察,而產生正念。修行就是要讓正念在每個當下仍能念念相續。當「止」修到一定程度時,原 本散亂的心便轉趨安定平穩,專注力提高,有助「觀」的修習。這時,在「止」的基礎上進行觀想,覺察力變得更敏銳及客觀,若持續不斷努力,心的運作便可提昇 至「如實知見」及「如理作意」(將佛法義理轉化成內在智慧去透視世間現象)。修「止」的功用就如混濁的泥水沉澱後,回復清徹如鏡照見萬物;又如聚焦的放大 鏡能將散弱的陽光轉化成燃燒的能量。


Silver – MACD Indicating a Bottom?


London Trader - Sovereign Gold Buyers to Raise Their Bids

"Why would the West give China that gold at discounted prices? "

With many global investors still concerned about the price of gold and silver, today King World News interviewed the “London Trader” to get his take on these markets. Here is what the source had to say:  “Every time they have conducted raids in the paper market they lose more and more physical gold and we work from a higher level in terms of price.  Right now we have washed an awful lot of the hot, weak money out of the gold market.

The London Trader continues:

“This is when you see things turn and the manipulators rip it to the upside.  There are buy stops on the upside that are attractive for them to target at this point.  Traders are also watching the US dollar now because tomorrow the Iranians are scheduled to start trading oil in currencies other than the dollar.  This is clearly an attack on the dollar by the Iranians.

The Iranians are claiming the West saying Iran’s nuclear program is a threat is all nonsense.  It’s merely an excuse because the US will threaten and attempt to take down any country which threatens the reserve currency status of the dollar -- the same way the US took down Saddam Hussein and Moammar Gadhafi.

In this type of environment, the only people placing bets for lower prices in gold are momentum traders.  In the real world there is physical gold being carted away in bullion trucks because of the dip.  More and more tonnage is disappearing. 

“I read this report the other day by one of the bullion banks which said they think that four or five tons of physical gold got delivered.  This is 100% false and complete propaganda.  We know of at least 50 tons that went on the first day of the intervention alone.  This propaganda from the bullion banks is out there because people are concerned the physical gold is disappearing.

So they put a low number on the physical off-take, but how is their propaganda any different than the German propaganda in 1944 which told their people they were winning the war?  The day of the intervention, they sold 600 tons of paper gold in the first four hours of the selloff.  

600 tons of paper gold went in four hours and you don’t think that 50 tons of that went to a central bank or a sovereign?  That was just the large buyers.  That 50 tons doesn’t even include the smaller players.

So there is a great deal of physical off-take occurring and now you have this enveloping horn of a dollar attack.  I don’t see how they can keep pressuring gold much longer in this environment.  I am convinced leased gold was used in the recent takedown in the gold market.  So that gold has to now be repurchased.

The 50 tons of physical gold taken on the 29th of last month was just the start of some very large drawdowns of physical metal.  The bullion banks also know there are stacks of orders from sovereigns at lower levels, so they have to be careful how they handle the tape here.  

For what it’s worth, those sovereign orders are looking to move to higher levels.  At the same time the bullion banks are harvesting the weak-handed COMEX players.  So if they have 10,000 contracts to cover into, they could care less if that costs them 5 tons of physical gold when they drop the price a bit.

This is why the bullion banks will probably counter sovereigns raising their bids by moving gold back above the 200 day moving average.  This would be done by the bullion banks to prevent those sovereign orders from being filled, even when they are raised. 

On a separate note, those that have been calling for gold to collapse to $1,200 are completely unaware of what is taking place in the physical market.  Who is going to sell it down to those levels?  Hypothetically, if it were to drop below $1,600, China would literally be buying hundreds of tons of gold.

Why would the West give China that gold at discounted prices?  Yes, the bullion banks act on behalf of the central banks to manipulate the price, they act as agents, but the central banks and their agents are also aware that the Chinese are building up their gold reserves.  This is the bigger picture which the gold bears do not understand.”




Court overturns order to slash Dutch pension fund's gold allocation

一年前,荷蘭負責監管退休基金的機構 (Dutch pensions regulator),曾命令一個玻璃業工會(glass manufacturers)要把其退休基金內的黃金賣掉。,監管機構提供的理由是黃金的價格上落波幅太大,因此不適宜退休基金。

荷蘭鹿特丹市(Rotterdam, Netherlands)的法庭剛推翻退休基金監管機構之前發出的命令,因為法庭不接納此機構所提供的理據。






By Leen Preesman
Investments & Pensions Europe, London
Friday, March 16, 2012
A Rotterdam, Netherlands, court has overturned the Dutch pensions regulator's recent demand that SPVG, the pension fund for glass manufacturers, divest more than three-quarters of its 13% gold allocation.
The regulator is now facing a claim for damages, estimated at E10 million to E11 milion, the difference between the current gold price and the price when the gold was sold a year ago, according to Rob Daamen, the scheme's deputy secretary.
The court said it was not convinced the regulator had fully taken into account the scheme's specific conditions or the entirety of its investment portfolio.
It also concluded that interpretation of the so-called "prudent person" rule should be the sole prerogative of the pension fund, and that the regulator's task was simply to ascertain whether this standard had been applied correctly.






交易員表示,上周五發現央行積極活躍地購買黃金,亞洲的實際需求仍然強勁。近期金價下跌引發央行大舉逢低買入金條。他們透露,代表央行交 易黃金的國際清算銀行(BIS)上周通過場外交易市場購買4-6噸黃金,以現價估計價值約2.5億-3億美元。過去3到4周的黃金總購買量是上周的兩倍。


另外,瑞銀貴金屬策略師Edel Tully認為,市場現在的趨勢是卸下避險天堂、比如黃金的風險,傾向成長型資產。
