
Silver Price Forecast : Silver Market Update


Here are a few patterns that might explain the current state of the silver price, as well as, provide the possible way forward.
Below is a graphic which compares the current pattern on silver (from about the beginning of 2011 to present) to a 2007 pattern:

On both charts, I have suggested how the patterns might be similar, by marking similar points, from 1 to 6 (and alternatively from a to f). Based on this comparison, it appears that the silver price is searching for that point 6 (or point f). Previously, about more than 6 weeks ago (after the middle of March), I thought that point 6 (or point f) was already in, or close to being in.
This was my assumption, based on timing: On the 2007 pattern, you can see that from point d to point f was about 10 days, and that this was the same for point f to point h on the same pattern. When applying this to the current pattern, it was expected that point h would be in about 14 weeks after point f (about middle to end March) – similar to the 14 weeks from point 2 to point 4.
This was a reasonable expectation since the market often behaves in such a manner. However, it was the wrong expectation. It appears that the market has extended that cycle (which is not unusual); however, it appears that the bullish expectation is still very much justified. We would need a turnaround very soon though, to continue the mega bullish expectation. If we do not get the turnaround very soon, then price could go even lower than $26 (unlikely).
In my latest gold update, explained why I think this week might bring the bottom for gold. My analysis for silver also suggests that we could see a bottom for silver this week (for the latest next week).
I believe that it is very likely that we will get that massive rally soon.

Gold Will Drop to $1,450 This Month Before a Parabolic Move to $3,950!

munknee.com / by Lorimer, Wilson / May 10, 20122
Based on my technical analysis gold will drop to $1,450/oz. before the end of May and then go parabolic in the next C-wave to $3,950/oz. Below is a chart of how I see the price of gold unfolding over the next while – and why.
So says Juan Eduardo Morales Veas* (www.MoneyGreedAndFear.com) in an exclusive posting here at www.munKNEE (Your Key to Making Money!). This paragraph must be included in all article re-postings to avoid copyright infringement.

Latest Posts:
Gold Will Drop to $1,450 This Month Before a Parabolic Move to $3,950!
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Thursday, May 10th, 2012 | Posted by Editor
Gold Will Drop to $1,450 This Month Before a Parabolic Move to $3,950!

Based on my technical analysis gold will drop to $1,450/oz. before the end of May and then go parabolic in the next C-wave to $3,950/oz. Below is a chart of how I see the price of gold unfolding over the next while – and why.
So says Juan Eduardo Morales Veas* (www.MoneyGreedAndFear.com) in an exclusive posting here at www.munKNEE (Your Key to Making Money!). This paragraph must be included in all article re-postings to avoid copyright infringement.
To be a Star/Master Trader/Investor, never forget and always remember these seven principles:
The trend is your friend.
Let the winners run.
Cut your losses quickly.
Never average down.
Never underestimate the strength of a trend.
The big money is in the big trend.
The main financial markets´s task is to deceive you.



《 人民日報海外版》

   從今年3月開始,國際黃金 ( 1594.50 , 0.30 , 0.02% )價格步入了緩慢下跌的階段。在兩個多月的時間裡,國際黃金價格跌去了近70美元,跌幅近4%。到5月8日,黃金價格出現“跳水”,曾一度跌破1600美 元/盎司。那麼,金價為什麼出現劇烈震盪?未來的走勢如何?記者就此進行了採訪。




  分析師認為,沒有新的貨幣政策刺激,黃金價格上漲很困難,而且當天股票和能源市場表現也不佳。紐約原油 ( 96.78 , -0.03 , -0.03% )價格跌至每桶97美元左右,華爾街三大股指也全線下挫。



   大唐善德公司黃金分析師原林在接受本報記者採訪時說:“任何商品的價格都會有漲有跌。黃金也是一樣。10多年來黃金價格一直在漲,2000年才200美 元/盎司左右,去年竟衝高到1900美元/盎司以上,長期以來沒有像樣的調整,這次震盪應當是中期技術調整,實屬正常。”


   有分析師進一步解釋,希臘左翼政黨以及反對緊縮措施的政黨正準備建立聯合政府以反對目前的緊縮措施,而且法國左翼領導人上台也令投資者對歐洲能否解決其 債務問題再次產生懷疑,導致資金紛紛逃離黃金,選擇更為安全的美元以及美國國債市場,從而導致8日金價大幅下跌。而當天,衡量美元對一攬子貨幣比價的美元 指數位於79.83附近,比前一交易日上漲0.36,為連續第七個交易日上漲,也是2008年以來持續時間最長的上漲。

  中國黃金投 資研究所所長景乃權則對本報記者說:“其實邏輯非常簡單,與美國壟斷大資本集團的利益相比較,美元所代表的利益遠遠超過黃金價格的漲跌,而美國紐約芝加哥 黃金期貨市場價格走勢引領全球黃金價格變化趨勢。用黃金定價權的便利優勢來維護美元霸權是其不二法則。黃金價格大跌之時,就將是美元量化寬鬆之日。”


   對於金價未來的走勢,景乃權認為,當黃金價格的漲跌不影響美元的霸主地位時,黃金價格由市場供求來決定;一旦黃金價格漲跌影響到美元霸權時,一定是“抑 金揚美”。但歷史地看,任何“信用紙幣”都難以逃脫貶值的命運,美元也一樣。所以,從長期來看,黃金價格的走勢一定是以登樓梯的方式上漲,局部的下降不會 影響其長期向上的攀升。


   業內人士也普遍認為,黃金價格承壓走低,短期內弱勢不會改變。因為目前已經進入實物黃金需求的淡季,且無論黃金首飾需求、投資需求還是央行購買,都差於 去年同期水平,或暗示著一個苦夏的到來,有部分投機資金已經提前離場。穩健的投資者則應當選擇暫時觀望,等待更多企穩跡像出現。



白銀投資升溫 黃金價格或會下探1580

瑞銀集團(UBS)貴金屬策略師Edel Tully昨日(5月10日)表示,黃金價格本週下探1580美元/盎司,但或將從印度和中國這兩個關鍵的現貨黃金市場反彈。
