
Chinese Gold Imports Increase 640%


gold-alert.gif   By Eric Sprott & Shree Kargutkar
June 8, 2012

There have been key developments in the physical gold market over the last few weeks which we feel are worth highlighting:

1) The Chinese gold imports from Hong Kong in April, 2012 surged almost 1300% on a YoY basis. Total gross imports for the month of April were 103.6 tonnes and the net imports were 66.3 tonnes1. It is not the data for April alone which has caught our eye. There has been a stunning increase of gold imports through Hong Kong for export into China over the past 2 years. Between May 2010 and April 2011, China imported a net 66 tonnes of physical gold through Hong Kong. Between May 2011 and April 2012, that number jumped to 489 tonnes. This represents an increase of 640%.
Source: Census and Statistics Department of Hong Kong 

2) Central banks from around the world bought over 70 tonnes of gold in April, 2012. Data from the IMF showed developing countries such as the Philippines, Turkey, Mexico and Sri Lanka were significant buyers of gold as prices dipped2.

3) Iran purchased $1.2B worth of gold in April, 2012 through Turkey. As the developed nations continue devaluing their currency at the expense of developing nations, countries such as Iran, China and Mexico are forced to look at alternative stores of value3.

4) After twenty years of lackluster returns and stagnant bond yields, Japanese pension funds have finally discovered the value of investing in gold. The $500M Okayama Metal and Machinery pension fund placed 1.5% of its assets into gold bullion-backed ETFs in April in order to "escape sovereign risk"4.

5) Bill Gross writes5, "Soaring debt/GDP ratios in previously sacrosanct AAA countries have made low cost funding increasingly a function of central banks as opposed to private market investors. Both the lower quality and lower yields of previously sacrosanct debt therefore represent a potential breaking point in our now 40-year-old global monetary system. […] As they (investors) question the value of much of the $200 trillion which comprises our current system, they move marginally elsewhere - to real assets such as land, gold and tangible things, or to cash and a figurative mattress where at least their money is readily accessible". Is the bond king recommending gold? YES, YES YES!

6) The Gold Mining ETF, GDX, has seen strong inflows in the past 3 months. The number of units outstanding have increased from 162.5M6 to roughly 187M7 between March 1, 2012 and May 31, 2012. This represents an increase in assets of almost $1.2B in a span of 3 months. It is worth pointing out that for a majority of this three months period, GDX, and by extension the gold mining companies were experiencing significant declines in their market values.

We believe there has been a material change in the gold investing landscape. The HUI, which is the Gold Bugs Index, is now up over 20% from its lows since May 16th, 2012. The slide in gold equities seems to be subsiding as a foundation for a strong move upwards is set. New buyers, represented by the Chinese, central banks, Japanese pension funds and the Iranians, bought almost 140 tonnes of gold in April alone. To put this into perspective, the annual gold production is approximately 2600 tonnes8. China and Russia produce around 500 tonnes of gold annually, which never makes it to the open market. This leaves about 2100 tonnes of gold production annually for the rest of the world.
When buyers representing 140 tonnes of new demand enter a market which only has 175 tonnes of monthly supply, we are left wondering about two things:

1) In a balanced market, where is the source of supply to the new buyers going to come from?

2) How can a new buyer of size get into the gold market, which is already balanced, without significantly impacting the price of gold?
The answer is fairly obvious. When demand outstrips supply, prices move higher. These significant macro changes in the supplydemand dynamic of the gold market should propel the price of gold to new highs. 


投機客Skyler Greene在其公佈的報告中表示,歐盟峰會結果將影響貴金屬價格走勢。歐洲央行任何增加流動性的舉措都將對貴金屬價格構成良好提振。

Skyler Greene個人的觀點是,很有可能部分白銀投資者買在了銀價的高點,其無法承受20-50%的兌現虧損,故而現在不會出脫頭寸。這類投資者認為白銀長線基本面仍保持良好,轉而長期持有白銀。
Skyler Greene認為,從市場交投角度考慮,白銀ETF成交量降低,令銀價延續此前跌勢的機率下降。
Skyler Greene則表示,從銀價的歷史走勢來看,銀價不會長期維持當前的窄幅震盪形態。對於多空雙方來看說,現在都是一個建倉的時機。








  NO.1 中国 产金355吨


  NO.2 澳大利亚 产金270吨

  澳大利亚2011年黄金产量自2010年的261吨升至270吨。该国黄金产量多来自于西部,其在西部的Kalgoorlie拥有5个世界级金矿。该地区曾被誉为"黄金地带",形成了一系列金矿产业链。此后被开发成澳大利亚最大的地上金矿,为Newmont矿业及Barrick Gold矿业公司拥有。

  NO.3 美国 产金237吨


  NO.4 俄罗斯 产金200吨

  俄罗斯2011年黄金产量自2010年的192吨上升8吨,至200吨。虽然俄罗斯黄金生产量排名第四,但其未开采金矿储量排名第二。该国多数金矿位于西伯利亚及远东地区。Polyus Gold International是该国最大金矿生产商。

  NO.5 南非 产金190吨


  NO.6 秘鲁 产金150吨

  秘鲁是十大产金国中唯一两个2011年黄金产量下降的国家之一。其2011年黄金产量自2010年的164吨下降至150吨。该国矿企Minera Yanacocha是拉丁美洲最大的黄金生产商,拥有3座地上矿场。

  NO.7 加拿大 产金110吨

  与美国一样,加拿大2011年黄金产量也有所上升;自2010年的91吨升至110吨。该国主要黄金产量来自安大略省。该省拥有Goldcorp旗下的Red Lake矿场,其产量占加拿大全国产量的半数。

  NO.8 加纳 产金100吨

  加纳2011年黄金产量自2010年的82吨升至100吨。这一西非国家是非洲大陆的第二大黄金生产国。Gold Fields矿企拥有的Tarkwa矿场是加纳最大的金矿。

  NO.9 印度尼西亚 产金100吨


  NO.10 乌兹别克斯坦 产金90吨

  Navoi Mining及Metallurgical Combinat两大矿企在乌兹别克斯坦的黄金产量中占80%。Navoi Mining旗下最重要的资产是Muruntau矿场,其为世界最大的地上金矿,其储量预计可开采至2032年。