
Israel to attack Iran before US election in November - media report

Armstrong Economics------Gold Update

This week’s close of 1622.6 is the highest weekly closing since May. We have to be cautious next week for we could still make a higher intraday high, and then turn down for 3 weeks before turning back up. The resistance to watch is 1671. We have to see a weekly closing above that level before gold will see any sustainable rally. This crawling sideways pattern is indicative of the calm before the storm. The volatility should start to rise now for the next three weeks before we see another turning point. The other number to watch is 1569. A year-end closing below that level will signal a low next year completing a two-year correction process with a 5 year rally thereafter intraday into 2018 with 2017 being the highest annual closing. If this pattern unfolds and gold cannot get above 1671, the we may be looking at the whole Sovereign Debt Crisis coming in starting next year. Taxes will rise in the USA and governments are attacking the bullion trade as we see in France. They appear to be forcing capital to hoard expanding the underground economy. Americans with safety deposit boxes in Europe have been told to get out. Governments are doing everything to grab money short-term. They will cause a sharp economic contraction by forcing capital to hoard.This is similar to the same patterns that set the Decline and Fall of Rome in motion by  Maximinus I (235-238 AD) who sought to attack the rich seizing all wealth.





  8月2日,歐洲央行推遲救市的決定令市場大失所望,德拉基稱歐洲央行最早將於9月初採取拯救行動,但先決條件是:一、危機國家提出要求 並接受嚴格條件與監管;二、只有當歐洲金融穩定工具與歐洲穩定機制介入債券市場之後,歐洲央行才會在二級市場出手認購國債,也就是說,危機國家首先應在一 級市場求助於歐洲金融穩定工具。為了使國債利率水準與相關國家經濟形勢更加相符,德拉基並不排除“無限”購買的可能性,即大規模和持續地購買。 


  歐洲央行出手救市之前擺出嚴苛的先決條件主要緣于德國反對。在德國看來,歐洲央行干預債券市場無異於直接資助有關國家,而這是歐盟《裏 斯本條約》所禁止的。而且,歐洲央行如此大規模向市場注資,有可能增加通貨膨脹的風險,而抑制通貨膨脹是歐洲央行的主要任務。歐洲央行推遲救市並設置先決 條件等變通措施就是為了能夠獲得德國的認可。




  另一方面,希臘的新援助方案極有可能推遲至10月執行。歐盟一位官員8月9日表示,希臘的國際債權人不準備在10月份之前就針對該國的 新救助方案進行討論,屆時債權人將向歐元區各國財長提交一份有關希臘救助方案的評估報告。該評估報告將決定希臘是否有資格獲得新一輪310億歐元救助資金 (新一輪救助方案中的250億歐元將用於希臘銀行業的資本重組)。










  標準普爾評級服務公司(Standard &; Poor's Ratings Service)週三將希臘評級展望從穩定下調至負面,指出希臘政府很難再進一步削減開支以達到歐盟(EU)和國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)為發放下一筆救助資金所設定的條件。

  此外,週四加拿大評級機構Dominion Bond Rating Service(DBRS)宣佈對西班牙及義大利評級進行下調,評級趨勢均為負面。DBRS將西班牙評級由A(高)下調至A(低),將義大利評級由A(高)下調至A。 

  近半個世紀以來,“墨菲定律”曾經攪得世界人心神不寧,它提醒我們:我們解決問題的手段越高明,我們將要面臨的麻煩就越嚴重。事故照舊 還會發生,永遠會發生。“墨菲定律”忠告人們:面對自身缺陷,我們最好還是想得更週到、全面一些,採取多種保險措施,防止偶然發生的人為失誤導致的災難和 損失。 

  因此對於歐元區和歐元的前景,投資者目前仍需持謹慎態度,不做無根據的過度樂觀預期。其前景大致可以分為三種,一是歐元區分崩離析,但 這種前景只是理論上的,實際出現的可能性很小;二是部分國家脫離歐元區,這一前景有可能成為現實,但目前來看危機仍處在可控狀態,幾率也不大;三是歐洲國 家花費數年時間來消化沉重的債務負擔,並扭轉經濟增長與政府支出的結構性失衡,逐漸走出危機陰影,以歷史上他國出現過的債務危機做參考的話,這一情景出現 的可能性最大,即歐元區很可能會迎來“失去的十年”。

We Are Now Seeing Huge Orders For Physical Gold & Silver

Bill Haynes continues:
“These are wealthy individuals that are very strong hands and they are taking the metal right out of the market, and believe me, these individuals are never sellers. They see gold and silver as a hard asset that has been money for thousands of years, and they are pulling it out of the market and putting it away.

It is also very interesting that we are seeing an equal amount of money going into both gold and silver....

“I can tell you this is money that has been waiting patiently on the sidelines for weeks, and even months in some cases. The belief by these strong-handed buyers is that the bottom for gold has been achieved and it is now time to add to their positions. Savvy buyers know that summer is historically a great time to buy and that’s exactly what they are doing.”

Haynes also noted: “Another interesting thing was an editorial that was in the FT yesterday. One of the writers started trashing gold in the Financial Times. He said it’s time to sell your gold and send the kids to college, buy an automobile or take a vacation because this bubble is over.

Eric, this is the type of nonsense we see in the mainstream media when a bottom is being put in, and the Financial Times has been one of the greatest contrarian indicators for the gold market. I also find it interesting that this is the week the big buyers are making a statement with their physical gold and silver purchases. They are doing their buying right into the face of this ridiculous nonsense coming out of the Financial Times.”

Haynes also added: “I would also like to note that the world is waiting on Germany to bail out the rest of Europe. Perversely, if that happens I believe we are going to see tremendous strength in the euro. I don’t think it’s logical, but as the euro strengthens I expect to see a further boost in the price of gold.

What KWN readers need to be aware of is this is the worst financial crisis the world has ever seen. This is a financial crisis supreme, and the universal solution continues to be the printing of money. This will eventually lead to massive destruction of both the economies and the currencies that participate in this madness.

It will also lead to massive inflation. I know some financial managers have told their clients to have 10% or 15% in gold, but for the financial climate that we are living through right now, I firmly believe people should have 50% to 60% of their assets in the physical metals.

Having known Bill Haynes over at CMI Gold & Silver for a long time now, I can tell you that he does not like keeping his money in cash. He has always been and continues to be a buyer of physical gold and silver. So he practices what he is telling other people to do in terms of asset allocation. He simply converts fiat money into physical metal on the price dips.


諗住無機會 @onion4@ ....

但轉頭又比驚喜你 @onion24@ @onion24@ .....

一枚設計出色的銀幣...用心 影好佢,



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