
Bill Murphy- JP Morgan Is FINISHED!

(1) How JP Morgan is in BIG TROUBLE
(2) How gold and silver are likely to go up as he predicted

BOOM! Silver Vaults Higher – Remember That “Big, Big Move” GATA’s Bill Murphy Predicted?

According to Market Watch, Gold futures climbed Monday to close at their highest level since June 19th. Silver was the biggest mover on Monday with a 2.1% gain on the day to a new 2-month high, which the mainstream media attributes to ‘technical trading’.
Maybe. But maybe it’s something more. As our friend Bill Murphy told us on July 19, his London source assured him that “BIG, BIG Gold & Silver Moves Are Coming in August”. It’s August folks, and Ag is on the move. Credit +1 to Bill.
With the European Union staring at the edge of the September 12th abyss, and the big guns like Jacob Rothschild, his minion George Soros and John Paulson literally betting on a collapse, people may be starting to wake up to the cold harsh reality of the potential nightmares we face.
As the financial collapse finally becomes apparent to all, the dumbed down masses will eventually stampede into the precious metals, it’s inevitable. Central Banks across the globe and deep pocketed Billionaires are already rushing into gold. Although for now the big boys appear to be utilizing paper ETF’s to shore up their positions, perhaps in part, as a method to provide propaganda for the general public that “paper gold is perfectly safe”. These folks also own a king’s ransom in physical. Which leaves those of us who know the truth to conclude, “PHYSICAL silver below $30? Still a bargain!”
At this point it may be prudent to revisit the words of James Turk, “A beach ball submerged for far too long only has one way to go upon its release. Straight up.”

Eastern Resources, Inc. 簽署增加黃金銷售量的意向書

丹佛, 2012年8月20日 /美通社-PR Newswire/ -- 在特拉華州註冊的公司 Eastern Resources, Inc. (簡稱「ESRI」或該公司)的董事會欣然宣佈,該公司旗下全資子公司、Golden Dream Mine(位於蒙大拿州博爾德附近)的所有者和運營者 Elkhorn Goldfields, Inc.(簡稱「Elkhorn」)與 Black Diamond Holdings LLC(簡稱「BDH」)簽署了一份意向書。

根據該意向書,在 Elkhorn 和 BDH 之間現有的 Minerals Product Receivables Purchase Agreement(礦產品應收賬款購買協議,簡稱「MPRPA」)下,應付的黃金的重量在33,000盎司的基礎上增加38,000盎司,總重量為 71,000盎司。

MPRPA 的黃金應付比率將從80%降至50%,在交貨時付給 Elkhorn 的生產成本為每盎司500美元。 

Golden Dream Mine 已經生產了最初的250,000盎司黃金,隨後的生產量將由總量的6.5%增至15%,交付時付給 Elkhorn 的生產成本為每盎司600美元。

Elkhorn 將從未來銷售所有38,000盎司黃金中獲得12,500,000美元。

成功銷售新增黃金所獲得的資金將用於繼續開發該公司的 Golden Dream Mine,目標是在運營的第一個五年生產258,000盎司黃金和860萬磅銅,每天的採礦和選礦速度約為750噸。Elkhorn 已經完成了1,000英呎左右的地下開發,建成了地面設施,最近還安裝了水處理系統,具備了全面開發 Golden Dream Mine 的能力。該公司認為增加250,000盎司的黃金開採量表明了當前的礦藏水準,而且礦體依然可以深度開採。
消息來源 Eastern Resources, Inc.



Leeb - Supply Crunch To Send Silver Into The Stratosphere

Original Source

Today acclaimed money manager Stephen Leeb told King World News, “... it will be very difficult going forward to acquire large amounts of silver.”  Leeb, who is Chairman of Leeb Capital Management, also said that because of this, “... the price of silver is literally going into the stratosphere.”

Here is what Leeb had to say: “This is going to be very important for the silver market going forward, Eric.  As an example, photovoltaics is a tremendous way to generate electricity from the sun, but it uses a large amount of silver.  The major difference between photovoltaics and other ways of generating energy from the sun, is that the other methods require a great deal of water.”

Stephen Leeb continues:

“One of the methods being used to garner energy from the sun requires six to seven times more water than nuclear, and nuclear already requires tremendous amounts of water.  The point I am trying to make is that photovoltaics requires a bare minimum of water and in some cases no water.

Water, which is becoming much more of a concern in today’s world, is going to be critical going forward in terms of supplies....

“Also, if you look at fracking, you are not going to be doing fracking unless you have a lot of water.  And you are not going to be running a lot of nuclear power unless you have a lot of water.  So water becomes a key constraint.

So the fact that photovoltaics doesn’t use any water is utterly critical.  If we are going to build out infrastructure, and use the sun as a major producer of electricity, you have to put photovoltaics at the top of that list.  In fact, the growth rate of photovoltaics has been exponential over the past few years.

The growth of this industry strongly suggests that silver is going to play a critical role, and a much larger role than previously assumed in the whole energy equation.  I’m talking about silver as an industrial metal.  The problem going forward is how to connect the dots between how much silver we produce and how much we are going to need for energy and electricity production, particularly in China. 

So silver has two drivers going forward.  One is the monetary aspect because silver is money.  But the other is the industrial component, and the demand for silver to cultivate energy is going to skyrocket.  Later on, people will not believe you could buy silver in the $20s.  It’s a gift right now at $29. 

I think it will be very difficult going forward to acquire large amounts of physical silver.  Countries will have a very hard time picking up the necessary silver they will need for all of the demands.  When you couple in the investment boom, that is still in front of us, that means the price of silver is literally going into the stratosphere. 

The Chinese know this and that is why they are buying so much physical silver, as well as gold.  I have said to many times that we are going to have a mania in the junior mining shares, but we are also going to have a mania in the price of physical silver.”

Jim Rogers Silver Better Investment Than Gold ‎

After a 16 month correction in this 11 year bull market Silver looks set to resume its long term trend. $29 looks to be the breakout point above the trend line and silver may still take out it's all time nominal high price of $50 this year.it doesn't matter what the price of silver is today. What matters is the fact that you actually HOLD real physical gold & silver. Measure your wealth in terms of grams, ounces, kg The paper silver price will continue to be artificially manipulated until JPMorgan goes down. Period.

If anybody has any idea of hoarding our silver coins, let me say this. Treasury has a lot of silver on hand, and it can be, and will be used to keep the price of silver in line with its value in our present silver coin. There will be no profit in holding them out of circulation for the value of their silver content.

-U.S. President Lyndon Johnson, 1965