
Bill Murphy: ‘Silver to Target $100, No Telling What Silver Could Do to the Upside!!’

Bill Murphy, who forecast big, big moves in silver beginning in August told our friend Elijah of UnconventionalFinance Monday that silver is in the midst of a big move to $50-60, and statedit won’t be long before we hit $100.
Murphy states that if the JP Morgan scandal breaks as he is expecting, there is no telling what silver could do on the upside due to a short squeeze as JPM holds naked short positions 3 times the deliverable silver available on the COMEX!


Silver is a Toxic Threat to the Environment & Could Lead to Ecosystem Collapse

 Original Source

Silver is threatening the planet like gay marriage is threatening the species. No, not because of Gresham’s Law leading individuals towards silver and the rest of the precious metals complex, and thus away from the Federal Reserve Note,  but instead due to the fact that it is an environmental toxin that is murdering off fish, children and polluting our water supply. Forget fluoride, it is silver that will take you out.

Demand for silver is taking on historical new proportions as demand for tangible assets from an informed public and technological innovation changes the supply-and-demand dynamics, while a new ravenous environmentalism is assuming anti-precious metals overtones proclaiming that silver is toxic to all living cells and other hyperbole. Although silver is an element, the logic contends, it is simultaneously an environmental threat, and increased widespread use of silver could lead to a compromised environment.

The real question, however, is as such: is it the environment that is compromised or the Silver Users who transnational industrial and financial enterprises depend on a suppression of silver.

Silver is used today in a panoply of devices from grafts, implanted heart valves, bone cement to soaps and disinfectants while, purportedly, is related to the toxic heavy metals mercury and lead; chokes fish to death; disturbs bacterial activity when cleaning sewage, and other proclamations.

Silver, according to this unique brand of Keynesian environmentalists, could bring about a new, silver plague. According to this school of thought, “a wide and uncontrolled use of silver products” will lead to “not only silver-resistant but also antibiotic-and biocide-resistant bacteria.” If we allow silver to do this, all good bacteria will be killed and the “ecosystem will collapse.”

And due to massive growth in silver dependent sectors, this ecosystem collapse is a real threat.  In Europe, for example, over its first five years, the silver-based wound dressing market grew from zero to 200 million Euros in Europe, with an estimated yearly growth of the ‘anti-bacterial market’ is 40% for things like wound care and foreign bodies.

Public health officials and regulators are crying for increased regulation and a general crackdown on the use of silver in the environment. Despite that “silver is one of the basic elements that make up our planet” it is a threat to the ecosystem. This is the sort of stranger than fiction logic that used to be reserved for Monty Python films back when humans had the decency to leave the gray absurdity of those films in the films themselves. Now, life imitates Monty Python.

Dear Peasant:
It is extremely important that you remain aware that silver does not break down, as it is an element. It will remain in the ecosystem until it is again removed by humans. You will most likely be exposed every single day to the toxic element of silver, mainly in food and drinking water and air. The safety of the Workers of the World is further compromised by silver in the workplace.

But, despite the warnings from busybodies in bureaucracies, silver levels of less than 0.000001 mg silver per cubic meter of air (mg/m3), 0.2-2.0 parts silver per billion parts water (ppb) in surface waters, such as lakes and rivers, and .20-.30 parts silver per million parts soil (ppm) in soils are found at naturally occurring sources.  Drinking water supplies in the US have been found to contain silver levels up to 80 ppb, and surveys show that one-tenth to one third of samples taken from drinking water supplies (both groundwater and surface water) have silver at levels more than 30 ppb.

But, still other tests refute the claim that silver is a threat to the stability of the ecosystem.  Silver is often found not to induce genotoxicity in a bacterial. Silver uses are increasing, and the pressure put on the silver supply is leading to a complete transformation of the supply-and-demand dynamics of the silver market. For more than a century, concern about intense demand for silver in nations like India have led to industrialists to seek out methods of relinquishing that silver back to the “free market” so that they can then buy it up for their own hoards.

But the litany of new uses for silver have caused to a diversification of the demand for the product. To concentrate and consolidate the market, so as to obviate a drying up of supply, becomes a bigger task amid decentralization. That’s why silver is all of the sudden so toxic. It is compromising the inner-workings of the hijacked global economy. The peasants are waking up to a way in which they themselves can become their own businesses and enjoy the benefits of sophisticated financial planning.

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機構投資者也被洗腦 - 黃元山

環球金融亂局中,對沖基金仍然是不少機構投資者(institutional investors)的避險之選。即使對沖基金管理費用不菲,投資者仍不要求大賺,只望穩健回報,是否能如願以償呢?




這可能要歸功對沖基金整個行業的市場推廣做得好,特別是對機構投資者;俗一點來說,就是機構投資者被洗腦。洗腦的背景,所謂機構投資者,即是本身也是替別人管錢(other people"s money),所以如果有任何表面上能幫助他們生意的建議,他們也是樂意被洗腦的。

對沖基金的論據是「positive uncorrelated alpha」:(一)positive(正回報),一般對沖基金都會希望透過不同的投資工具,做到所謂的「絕對正回報」(absolute returns),當然除了金融海嘯等那些年;(二)uncorrelated(和其他資產的相關性低),正所謂金融市場的唯一免費午餐就是分散風險,加入相關性低的資產,可以在相同的風險下,提高整體組合的回報(risk-adjusted returns);(三)alpha(額外的回報),即透過投資技巧,可以拿到比市場平均回報(beta)更高的回報。

對沖基金經理中,以Ray Dalio為其中俵俵者。他不單是全球最大對沖基金經理的掌舵人,有彪炳戰績印證他的理論:找到15個uncorrelated的投資策略,可把risk-adjusted returns大幅提升。於是,Ray成了對沖基金界的poster-boy,是向機構投資者做洗腦教育的最佳代言人。

問題是,絕大部份的對沖基金經理不是Ray Dalio。為了爭取較高的「positive uncorrelated alpha」似乎只成為了收取高費用的一個藉口。事實上,在這個由全球央行操控的市場中,無論是散戶或是對沖基金經理,只是在risk-on和risk-off的上落中炒波幅,使對沖基金更難找到alpha;於是很多對沖基金便純粹加大槓桿,希望以「leveraged beta」來代替消失了的alpha,並不能真的提高risk-adjusted returns。

另外一個做法,就是為了追求正回報,便採取「贏一粒糖、輸一間廠」的策略,例如sell options:中短期賺取premium,由於sell volatilities的人比buy的多,於是VIX不斷低沉;不過,萬一變了一個crowded trade,當市況逆轉,便有機會倒輸。「positive uncorrelated alpha」是一個成功的洗腦教育,使機構投資者仍然支持對沖基金,問題在於能否成功落實。

沈玉琳投資黃金存摺賠錢 氣罵:根本就有躁鬱症

ETtoday – 2012年9月10日 上午12:00


鬼才製作人沈玉琳日前上東森《現在才知道》分享黃金投資術,沈玉琳說老婆芽芽花兩萬塊投入黃金存摺 ,以為可以大賺一筆,專家朋友卻分析,買黃金存摺會扣一大堆手續費,傻子才買。結果芽芽立刻賣掉,投資甜頭沒嘗到,反而損失賠錢。沈玉琳展現一貫幽默風格,指金價漲跌的時間點起落不定,好像金價有躁鬱症似的。

此外 ,沈玉琳還提到,媽媽很愛買金飾,因為大部分長輩都有黃金能保值的觀念。之前他帶還是女友的芽芽跟他回家見媽媽, 沈媽跟她聊天後非常開心,立即衝上樓拿金手環送她,讓芽芽受寵若驚。但沈玉琳趁陪同錄影的芽芽去洗手間時透露,當年媽媽一共對三個女生做過這件事, 不過自己最愛的當然是現在的老婆,不然怎麼會把她娶回家!

王瑞玲老公因為蒐集世界各地的金幣變成專家,甚至出書、開黃金特展分享珍藏。王瑞玲指老公樂於用金幣鑽研歷史,她則是放眼未來,瘋狂投資黃金賺錢。她透露,有一次差點衝動拿定存400多萬買車,後來還是克制住,拿去買金鑚條塊。當時的條塊一片4萬塊,總共買了100片,現在一片價值6萬,足足賺了 200萬,她慶幸沒有拿去買車,車一落地價值馬上大減。


original Source

The "Bond King" - Pimco boss Bill Gross - says:
[There's] a diminished or dying cult of both bonds and stocks from the standpoint of a belief that they can return 10% ....
Gold can't be reproduced. It could certainly be taken out of the ground in an increasing rate but there's a limiting amount of gold.
And there has been an unlimited amount of paper money over the past 20 to 30 years and now - in this period of central bank expansion where it's QE1 or QE2, or whether it's the LTROs of the ECB or this potential new program ... then central banks are at their leisure to basically print money.
Gold is a fixed commodity that has a considerable store of value that paper money has not....
When a central bank starts writing checks and printing money in the trillions of dollars, it's best to have something tangible that can't be reproduced, such as gold.
Gold ... is a better investment than a bond or a stock, which probably will only return a 3 to 4 percent return over the next 5 to 10 years.





宋鴻兵:QE3將刺激金價衝擊新高重回1700美元 -

人們追逐黃金的熱情,從ETF持倉上就可見一斑。世界上最大的黃金信託SPDR Gold Trust(以下簡稱GLD)持倉量,在周四升至創紀錄的2044噸(約合7210萬盎司),今年以來累計上漲超過38噸。最近的一次持倉上升始自7月底,而當時恰逢德拉吉首次對外公佈將不惜一切拯救歐洲,甚至考慮採用二級市場購債模式。