

新浪財經訊 北京時間11月20日下午消息,據外電報導,隨央行寬鬆措施刺激鮑爾森、索羅斯等投資大將黃金持有額提高至記錄高位,已連漲12年、創下至少90年來最長上漲期的黃金預計2013年將繼續上漲。

據彭博報導,據接受彭博調查的16位經濟學家的中位預期,明年每個季度黃金都將上漲,在第四季度黃金平均價格將達到每盎司1925美元,較目前上漲 12%。美國證交會檔案顯示,鮑爾森公司(Paulson & Co)通過SPDR黃金信托這一最大的黃金交易所交易品(ETPs)押注36.2億美元看好黃金;索羅斯基金管理公司第三季度增持49%的黃金。

從歐洲到中國的央行都在承諾採取更多步驟刺激經濟增長,這引發了通脹加劇和貨幣貶值的擔憂。今年投資者通過ETPs購買了247公噸的黃 金,超過美國年度黃金開採量。盡管奧巴馬總統和美國國會各方都稱就財政懸崖問題舉行的會談具有建設性,國會預算辦公室警告,如果增稅和減支問題不能得到解 決,美國將面臨衰退風險。

協助管理95億美元資的Fiduciary信托基金首席投資官Michael Mullaney稱:“我們將黃金視為對沖政界風險的資,目前是在投資組合中加入黃金這樣貨真價實的資作為保護措施的好時機。”





美國證交會檔案顯示,索羅斯在第三季度對SPDR黃金信托的投資增持132萬股,為2010年以來最高,每一股份代表十分之一盎司計算,其價值約為 2.19億美元。自從2010年1月以來價格已經上漲了59%,當時索羅斯稱黃金是“終極資泡沫”。索羅斯在英國央行1992年保衛英鎊期間獲利10億美 元。(俊逸)

CGSE to launch spot, yuan based Silver trade in HK next year

The silver contract will be traded in 10 kilograms as one board lot while physical delivery must be at least 30 kilograms.
HONG KONG(BullionStreet): Growing demand for silver prompted Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society to launch a spot silver trading service in the first half of next year in Hong Kong.

CGSE also said it would consider launching yuan-denominated silver trading later under this new platform. The silver contract will be traded in 10 kilograms as one board lot while physical delivery must be at least 30 kilograms.

The CGSE is the only authorized spot gold exchange in Hong Kong. The CGSE currently offers spot gold trading denominated in both the Hong Kong dollar and yuan.

The CGSE launched the "Renminbi Kilobar Gold Contract" trading platform in 2011 that facilitated gold trading in the yuan currency for the first time in the city.

Analysts said Hong Kong became a distribution center for industrial-use silver as 4,000 tonnes of fine silver were exported last year from local shores.

The daily transaction volume of silver trade is estimated to reach between two million and three million ounces next year, boosted by the new spot trading in the metal, they added. Silver is the only metal that has industrial use and is also a safe haven for investors.
On April 28 last year, prices hit a record $50 per ounce as global uncertainties boosted demand.

The precious metals trading society expected the trading platform to facilitate silver trading on an average of around 2 million to 3 million ounces per day in the first six months after the launch; and it predicted the silver price to reach $40 per ounce in the first half of 2013.

The CGSE will invite five accredited assays to act as the liquidity providers to facilitate smooth trading under the new silver trading platform.

The CGSE is a self-regulated precious metals trading society established in 1910 that consists of 171 member firms; 30 of which are bullion group members.

