











從歷史的角度看,過去五六百年間東西方曾經出現了黃金白銀的大挪移,明朝清朝西方的黃金白銀由於東方的經濟繁榮貿易發達加上西方開闢新大陸[2.36% 資金研報]增加了黃金白銀儲備,使得黃金白銀因為東方強大經濟而源源不斷地流向了東方,這種事情到鴉片戰爭後戛然而止,出現了相反的事情,東方中國的白銀黃金開始以賠款等方式源源不斷地流向了西方,歷史真是不公平,中國用數百年的天量的貨真價實的茶葉、絲綢、陶瓷換來的黃金白銀被西方用一紙賠款協議就換走了,中國必須要崛起,黃金必需要再次回歸中國。而到了今天,由於東西方的貿易體繫再度發生改變,使得黃金白銀再度源源不斷地流向東方,顯示的是東方經濟在世界版圖中的重要​​性開始再度崛起,這個過程一旦開始,估計短期內就不會有結束,中國的黃金消費量未來的潛力空間是年均達到四千噸以上,道理很簡單,因為中國目前的人均貴金屬消費量是西方國家人均的四分之一。

從這個角度講,黃金白銀鉑金鈀金尤其是黃金價格越低越買不是對大家的誤導,因為道理很簡單,對於一個有價值的東西,當價格越低,說明價格越靠近內在價值,價格泡沫越小,那麼性價比就會進一步凸顯。用巴菲特的投資邏輯講,就是我不知道它何時會上漲,但是我知道它已經足夠便宜,所以我買入它。從投資角度看,例如技術分析的角度看,黃金最近半年以來的低點是一個比一個高,什麼意思,黃金的底部實際上是在不斷地抬高,國際現貨黃金價格的核心中樞值是在1250美元每盎司位置,區間上1200到1250美元每盎司區間是核心支撐區間,除非黃金價格再下一城,悲觀者已經看到850美元每盎司或者900美元盎司這樣的位置,但是筆者煉金術( AIC)研究總經理何盛德(James He)的核心觀點是黃金不管是今年年底還是明年一整年乃至更長的時間,國金黃金價格維持四位數是絕對底線,也就是說黃金價格再怎麼跌都會在1000美元每盎司之上幾乎是絕對信心。恰恰相反,筆者上上一篇文章指出,黃金價格還會創階段性新高,這種觀點就是黃金的價格波動將打破之前的1430美元每盎司的階段性反彈高點,而是要看到1530美元每盎司的階段性高點。也就是說,黃金的波動應該是在1250到1530美元每盎司區間。








Matthew Hart

伴隨著2008年金融危機的到來,黃金價格暴漲,3 年中從每盎司800美元漲至1900美元。黃金的漲勢刺激了前所未有的全球黃金開採、勘探熱潮,規模甚至超過19 世紀的淘金熱。然而從今年4月15日開始,黃金快速跌破每盎司1500美元和1400美元,引發的黃金市場震動一直持續至今,既牽動著投資者的心,也影響著普通人的生活。 (誰在給黃金定價倫敦黃金市場交易規則之謎)

Matthew Hart)研究黃金和黃金市場30年,他曾到過撒哈拉沙漠中盛產黃金的國家、倫敦黃金市場神秘的交易室,採訪過全球最著名的黃金巨頭,現在他將這些經歷著書出版,向讀者們講述黃金背後的精彩故事。



“在全球很多地方人們都能買到黃金,”倫敦人傑洛米·查爾斯表示, “但到每天上午的10點30分,你會發現黃金市場的業務似乎暫時停止了,全球黃金市場都在註視著倫敦。”查爾斯負責匯豐銀行的全球黃金業務,也是倫敦黃金市場協會主席。查爾斯表示,這些年中他看盡黃金市場的起起落落,但唯一沒有改變的是倫敦黃金定價系統,它一直保持著神秘,現在由匯豐銀行、德意志銀行、巴克萊銀行、興業銀行[4.77%資金研報]、加拿大豐業銀行共同操作。在這五大定價銀行中,匯豐是唯一一家願意讓哈特採訪的銀行。

五大銀行的定價過程通常是這樣的:先是由佔據主席席位的銀行提出一個價格,通常這個價格介於倫敦黃金市場購入、賣出最新價格的中間。然後,主席會提問其他四大銀行,按照提出的這個價格,谁愿意購入、 谁愿意賣出黃金。如果買家和賣家的數量不平衡,那麼黃金的價格就會相應地被調低或調高,直至買家和賣家數量平衡為止。當五大銀行找到了平衡點,黃金的價格就被確定了,然後這個價格會立即傳遍全球。除了每天上午外,每天下午五大銀行也會重複這個定價過程。除了五大銀行的黃金交易代表外,沒有任何人可以參與、觀看定價過程。



As of Wednesday’s open interest report for Comex gold futures, there were a total of 403,947 open gold futures representing 40,394,700 ounces of gold.   As of yesterday, there were 587,234 ounces of “registered,” available for delivery ounces of gold.  That’s a mind-boggling 69x times more open interest of paper gold than available physical gold to deliver to the holders of those contracts.  Think about that for a minute.  If more than 1.4% of those longs stands for delivery, the Comex defaults.
Now we know why Germany wants its gold back, why the Chinese and other BRIC countries are loading up on gold and demanding delivery and why the owners of Comex gold are taking delivery off the Comex.  The Comex is a giant Ponzi scheme.   “In paper we trust” is the motto of anyone who has a long position in Comex futures OR who safe-keeps their gold at Comex vaults.

From Truth in Gold:

The information in this report is taken from sources believed to be reliable; however, the Commodity Exchange, Inc. disclaims all liability whatsoever with regard to its accuracy or completeness. This report is produced for information purposes only.

The above liability disclaimer was added to the Comex gold and silver warehouse stock reports about 5 months ago.  I have a post on this blog about the time it showed up if you need an exact date.  You can see the Comex stock report and disclaimer at the bottom here:  Comex Gold Stock Report

The question I had at the time was, “why now?”   The CME completed its acquisition of the Comex in August 2008.  It took nearly 5 years before the CME’s lawyers decided to add that disclaimer to its Comex gold/silver warehouse stock reports.  Having worked on corporate finance deals in my past and knowing how anal and attention-to-details good lawyers are, I can assure you that it is not some capricious oversight that the CME decided to correct five years ex post facto, as one prominent silver newsletter seller would have us believe.

Here’s a graph of the stunning plunge in the “registered” gold sitting in Comex bank vaults – “registered” means gold that has been designated by its legal owners as being available for delivery to holders of futures contracts and has been certified as a bona fide gold bar per Comex standards (source of chart is 24hourgold.com, edits are mine):

There are 6 entities that operate designated Comex gold vaults:  JP Morgan, Scotia Mocatta, HSBC, Brinks and a small private vault company, Manfra, Tordella & Brookes.   The three banks account for 96.4% of the total amount of gold being “safekept” in Comex-designated vaults.  They account for 78% of the “registered” gold on the Comex.  As you can guess, most of the deliverable gold that has been removed from Comex since April has come from the vaults of JP Morgan, HSBC and Scotia.

The “eligible” gold account is the gold that is being kept for safekeeping at the Comex vaults by investors who theoretically have title to that gold.  For the record,  knowing what I know about big bank fraud, I unequivocally do not believe that the entire amount of gold being reported by the big banks who operate the depositories is actually either physically in the vaults or that it has not been hypothecated via lease obligations by the banks who control the vaults.  If it has been hypothecated, it might actually be there but the owners have lost their physical claim on the metal.  See the court decision in the MF Global bankruptcy if you do not believe me.  The owners of silver held by MF Global were deprived of their bars and are being settled in cash.

As of Wednesday’s open interest report for Comex gold futures, there were a total of 403,947 open gold futures representing 40,394,700 ounces of gold.   As of yesterday, there were 587,234 ounces of “registered,” available for delivery ounces of gold.  That’s a mind-boggling 69x times more open interest of paper gold than available physical gold to deliver to the holders of those contracts.  Think about that for a minute.  If more than 1.4% of those longs stands for delivery, the Comex defaults.

Now, the majority of those contracts  extend all the way out to December 2015.  But there’s 166,540 open gold contracts for delivery this December (first notice of delivery is 9 trading days away including today, on November 27).  Those contracts represent 28x the amount of available gold to deliver on the Comex.  If more than 3.5% of those contracts stand for delivery, the Comex defaults.  Historically, maybe 1% of the open interest in a delivery month takes delivery.  The odds are that will be the case this December.  But at the rate that the gold is being drained from the Comex, this is going to be a real problem in the future.

Now we know why Germany wants its gold back, why the Chinese and other BRIC countries are loading up on gold and demanding delivery and why the owners of Comex gold are taking delivery off the Comex.  The Comex is a giant Ponzi scheme.   “In paper we trust” is the motto of anyone who has a long position in  Comex futures OR who safekeeps their gold at Comex vaults.

As for the truth in reporting issue, does anyone out there besides Ted Butler actually trust those banks to  send computer-generated reports that are accurate and honest to the CME.  Have these big, Too Big To Fail bailed out banks given us any reason whatsoever to trust them?   Ya, neither does the CME apparently, which is why they stuck that disclaimer on the inventory reports in June.  In fact, we know that both HSBC and JPM have several criminal investigations for fraud and market manipulation going on against them by the “regulatory” authorities in both the UK and the U.S.  They have both settled numerous others with big cash payments to make the charges go away.

I can walk anyone carefully through JP Morgan’s SEC-filed financials to show them where JP Morgan is committing fraud in reporting its financials to the SEC.  I guess Butler trusts those financial filings just like he trusts the reports on open interest and warehouse stock filed with the CME by JPM, HSBC and Scotia.

I do not trust those reports and neither should you.  The Comex is living on the life-support of those who still trust them enough to conduct business on the Comex.  Sooner or later that trust will be shattered.  Judging by the current drain of gold from the Comex and from GLD, “later” is probably not too far away…When that happens, the world price of gold will go “bid without” (meaning all buyers, no sellers) and the dollar will drop off a cliff.

Fukushima Plant Fuel Rod Removals to Begin Today, Tepco Says


Fukushima Plant Fuel Rod Removals to Begin Today, Tepco Says

Tokyo Electric Power Co. (9501) will begin removing spent fuel today from the wrecked Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear facility, an early milestone in decommissioning that could threaten another crisis if mishandled.
Removal of the first of the 1,533 fuel-rod assemblies at the plant’s No. 4 reactor building is scheduled to begin at about 3 p.m., Masateru Araki, a spokesman for the utility known as Tepco, said by phone.

A member of the media wearing a protective suit and a mask walks in front of a fuel handling machine on the spent fuel pool inside the building housing the No. 4 reactor at Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s (Tepco) Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Okuma, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan on Nov. 7, 2013. Photographer: Tomohiro Ohsumi/Bloomberg 

The operation is the most significant test to date of Tepco’s ability to contain the threat stemming from the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. Were the rods to break or overheat, it could prompt a self-sustained nuclear chain reaction similar to the meltdowns at three Fukushima reactors following the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority assigned an inspector to oversee the removals, in addition to its existing staff at the plant, and is strengthening video monitoring of the removal site, the agency said in a statement Friday.
An uncontrolled nuclear reaction due to structural failures or mishandled fuel is highly unlikely because of safeguards and workers’ experience with the procedure, Akira Ono, the Dai-Ichi plant’s chief supervisor, said at a Nov. 7 news conference at the power station.
Removing the rods, bunched in assemblies, will take place from a large shoebox-shaped structure cantilevered atop the reactor building, which was damaged in an explosion after the earthquake and tsunami. The assemblies, each holding about 80 rods, will be moved to a separate pool less damaged by the disaster.
Tepco has said that it plans to complete removal by the end of 2014.

Sic Semper Tyrannis Revealed


歐洲或陷入“失去的十年” - 歐元區經濟從長期滑坡中復甦的勢頭在第三季度喪失動能,令外界更加擔心歐洲可能陷入經濟停滯、失業率高企和政治不滿並存的“失去的十年”

數年來歐元區經濟幾乎停止增長,加上財政緊縮政策破壞了較好的社會保障制度,這引發公眾對歐洲政界的不滿。在明年的歐洲議會(European Parliament)選舉中,選民預計將拋棄主流政黨,屆時包括極右和極左派黨員的反對黨預計將獲得較高支持率。
巴黎市中心Le Mesturet飯店的主人Alain Fontaine表示,擔憂情緒困擾著大家。在今年削減了投資規模後,他本打算在明年1月份對酒吧進行裝修,但是眼下這一計劃​​和為大多數員工加薪的計劃都被擱置了。
2010-2012年,金融市場的動盪曾一度令歐元區面臨解體的威脅,但是自從歐洲央行(European Central Bank)去年承諾將不惜一切代價拯救歐元區後,這一風險得到了控制。歐洲央行成功穩定住了市場,這表明危機的急性發作期要比歐洲政府艱難努力所顯示出來的情況更容易處理。
歐洲的決策者們否認了所謂“失去的十年”這種說法,這一術語曾被用於描述20世紀80年的拉丁美洲債務危機和20世紀90年的日本經濟停滯局面。歐洲央行行長德拉吉(Mario Draghi)上週表示,如果以局外人身份看歐元區,會認為該地區的基本面可能是全球最強勁的。原因是歐元區的預算赤字在縮窄並且貿易順差較大。
第三季度歐元區成員國經濟幾乎無一實現強勁的增長,反駁了雙速歐洲(two-speed Europe,指的是一些歐洲國家的增長率明顯超過其他國家)的言論。即使德國經濟上個季度也僅僅增長了0.3%(折合成年率增長了1.3%),因為歐洲需求疲軟和全球經濟增長不均衡,削弱了該國的出口。
不過法國和意大利的經濟均小幅萎縮。意大利GDP連續第9個季度下滑。法國總統奧朗德(Francois Hollande)正在努力進行經濟改革並打消公眾對於國家衰落的擔心,法國經濟此時下滑給他帶來打擊。
法國企業諮詢機構ACDEFI的經濟學家Marc Touati表示,法國仍處於投資縮減、失業率居高和經濟停滯不前的惡性循環中。
最近幾周法國公司的競爭力下滑問題受到關注,從工程巨擘阿爾斯通公司(Alstom)到法國唯一的鋼琴製造商Ateliers Pleyel等大大小小的企業都公佈了裁員計劃。
許多意大利企業的境遇甚至更糟糕。托斯卡納本地的貸款機構Caripit的董事長Alessio Colomeiciuc表示,無論價格高低,房地產市場基本上沒有任何活動。
羅馬一家無?網絡及監控系統供應商So.Tel的總裁Rosario Sgroi表示,公司的利潤率太低了,比過去少多了。不過訂單開始增加,因為客戶意識到他們不能永遠推遲投資。我們似乎正在走出黑暗期,儘管步伐非常緩慢。
Brian Blackstone / Christopher Emsden / William Horobin

手足情深 初生龍鳳胎浸浴緊抱

頁岩氣霸業 為再生能源鋪路





IEA報告 安撫石油輸出國


因 此,國際能源署報告,明顯在安撫沙特以至一眾中東產油國,鼓勵他們及早加大資本投資以擴大產能,因為中國、印度等亞洲國家的能源需求異常巨大,即使美國樂 見國際油價因供不應求而高企,但總不願見到油企為了賺取「油元」而只顧出口,令美國本土反而供不應求,零售能源價格上漲,最終影響民生。

就 算國際能源署估計無誤,美國頁岩能源只能風光至2020年(其實不足十年),只要美國在這段時間確保本土能源供應充裕,零售能源價格受控,還有剩餘產出貢 獻出口,頁岩能源的霸業即使在2020年後衰落亦未必是壞事,因為屆時再生能源業相信已經發展成熟,傳統石油燃氣能源變得落伍。

回想起 來,當日德國的默克爾政府,即使未知能否在大選中勝出,仍敢承諾2022年前改造德國成為無核化國家,決心為全國轉用再生能源定下時間表,足見德國在能源 政策方面的高瞻遠矚。面對調整新能源戰略的德國,美國豈會留戀即將過時又相對不夠環保的頁岩油氣技術,而放棄急起直追?



Jim Rogers: U.S. Stock Market Dominated By, “Kids With Very Little Experience And Just Enough Brains To Be Dangerous”

I was able to reconnect this week with Jim Rogers, legendary co-founder of the Quantum Fund with George Soros, author of the recently released Street Smarts, and chairman of the private Beeland Holdings.
Jim was kind enough to take the call while at a train station in Shanghai, so due to the call quality, the entire written transcript as well as the audio recording is available below.
Tekoa Da Silva: Jim, you mentioned in Street Smarts a very interesting quote, that when selling during bull markets and a bull market top, “What you want is a kid with very little experience, and just enough brains to be dangerous.” What did you mean by that statement, and are there markets in the world today that you see dominated by kids with just enough brains to be very dangerous?

JR: Well, I suspect the United States stock market at the moment, is one of those markets. It’s artificial what’s going on, you have this lady in Washington printing a lot of money, and it’s a very artificial kind of scenario. Now unfortunately—I know that. But a 25 year old will think this is the way the world is; stocks are going up, everything she buys works, and she has nothing to worry about, she thinks this is the best thing ever. It’s in a market like this that you need somebody who doesn’t understand what’s going on, and I’m sure there are other markets like it too, but the U.S. is the obvious example of a market like that as we speak, herein, going into 2014.

TD: Jim, you’ve also been warning to anybody willing to listen about the dangers of the staggering U.S. debt, and you mentioned in Street Smarts that, “Sometime in this decade the whole system is going to collapse”. So when you think about that in terms of collapse, what does that mean—is that skyrocketing interest rates, declines in asset prices—mayhem?

JR: It’s all of the above. You saw what happened in 2008-2009, which was worse than the previous economic setback because the debt was so much higher. Well now the debt is staggeringly much higher, and so the next economic problem, whenever it happens and whatever causes it, is going to be worse than in the past, because we have these unbelievable levels of debt, and unbelievable levels of money printing all over the world. Be worried and get prepared. Now it [a collapse] may not happen until 2016 or something, I have no idea when it’s going to happen, but when it comes, be careful.

TD: Jim, when you say “get prepared”, how can people do that, and do you mean people should continue to pull some assets out of the financial system in terms of holding them physically?

JR: Well, when things collapsed in 2008, people who were overextended with debt, or had investments they didn’t understand, or weren’t liquid enough, got hurt very badly as you know. That is going to happen again, and that’s why I’m urging people to just get prepared, be sure you understand what’s going on, be sure you understand your investments, be sure you’re not overextended, because when it comes, there’s not going to be much warning. I’m certainly not going to know when it’s coming, I wish I did, but I won’t.

TD: And you mean that in terms of being liquid Jim, having lots of liquidity?

JR: Well, one should never go into any liquidity crisis without liquidity, so when the liquidity crisis comes, obviously the ideal is to get totally liquid the day before the crisis comes. But I’m not any good at telling you the timing of it. I wish I were.

TD: Jim, to talk about commodities for a moment, you noted in Street Smarts that we have a few years left in the commodities bull market, so when you say a few years—do you mean 5 or 7? Or do you mean potentially 10 or 15 more years for commodities?

JR: I doubt it would be 10 or 15, that would be one of the longest ever in recorded history, but certainly I don’t see any reason why it cannot be another 5 to 7. I don’t know, but it really will depend on when the capacity comes on stream, so far we don’t have huge amounts of new capacity coming on stream, so the bull market can continue. [But] so far there are not massive amounts of new supply that have come on stream.

TD: Jim, what are your thoughts on the precious metals, as well as the mining sector, which has been one of the most beat up sectors in the market over the last year or two?

JR: Well remember, gold went up 12 years in a row, which is extremely unusual. I know of no asset in history which has gone up 12 years in a row, so the anomaly was the performance of gold for those 12 years. Now, the anomaly is going to be in the consolidation, in the correction. I don’t know, but I’m not buying gold at this point, because I suspect there’s going to be another chance to buy gold later in the next year or two. So I’m not buying gold yet, only because I know that the bull market for 12 years was an anomaly, so the correction should be an anomaly too. As you may know, the Indian politicians are now trying to do their best to destroy the gold market. They’ve put on huge controls and taxes on the Indian gold market. India’s the largest buyer of gold in the world, and it’s already having an effect. So the Indians are now trying to figure out a way to make the Indians sell their gold. Now if India goes from being the largest buyer of gold, to a seller of gold—who knows how low the price of gold will go. I know it will go a lot lower. So I’m not buying gold yet.

TD: Jim, in terms of the mining sector, do you still avoid the companies that produce the commodities due to the risks associated with management and so forth?

JR: If you figure out the right mine, the right company—you could make a fortune. So I don’t avoid them. For me, it’s simple these days to buy the commodity itself, but if you find the right mine, you’ll make a lot more in the right mine than in the commodity. But the problem is, there’s hundreds of—no, thousands of mining companies, so you have to be very careful.

TD: Alright well, Jim Rogers, investor, world traveler, and author of the new book entitled, Street Smarts, thanks for sharing your comments with us, from a train station there in Shanghai.
JR: Certainly, thank you.

This was another powerful interview, conducted with an absolute legend of our time. It is required listening for serious investors and market students.
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Tekoa Da Silva
Bull Market Thinking

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