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北京商報記者 肖海燕

Largest Swiss Refinery on Inability to Source Gold: “This Has Never Happened Before”

We met with the managing director of the largest refinery in Switzerland and spend about two hours talking to him, we learned some very interesting things.
At this Swiss refinery there have been several times this year on which they were unable to source gold. They’re bringing in good delivery bars, scrap and dore from the mines, basically all they can get their hands on. This gentleman has been in the business for 37 years, he was there during the last bull market in the late seventies. I asked him when was the last time this has happened, that he was unable to source gold, he said never. And I clarified it, I asked: in the last 37 years you’ve worked in the gold industry this has never happened? He said: this has never happened.

He said sometimes when they get gold in, it’s coming from the back corners of the vaults. He knew this because these were good delivery bars marked in the sixties. This is a huge supply squeeze and its worse than anything that has happened in the last four decades. At some point there is going to be a massive squeeze on the price.
We are on the threshold of a situation that has never occurred before. A squeeze is imminent, it could take 3 months or 6 months, but all I know is that it’s coming, and I know that with 100 % certainty. 

Submitted by Koos Jansen, In Gold We Trust:
Wednesday I had the privilege again to interview Alex Stanczyk, Chief Market Strategist for the Anglo Far- East group of companies, who just returned from a trip to Switzerland. Alex confirmed to me the distribution of gold from west to east is not slowing down whatsoever. Refineries in Switzerland are still working 24 hour a day to cast bars for China, sometimes having difficulties sourcing the gold..

What was the purpose of your trip to Switzerland?

The purpose was two fold. We go to Switzerland once a year as part of our governance, we’re required to have an annual inspection of the gold, that was the main purpose of the trip. But in addition to that we also liked to talk to the refineries. It was myself, it was the managing director of Anglo Far-East mister Philip Judge, and Jim Rickards went with us, he sits on our advisory board.

We met with the managing director of the largest refinery in Switzerland and spend about two hours talking to him, we learned some very interesting things. Whats going on in the gold market as far as the price, is I think very counter intuitive. Everybody understands, knows and believes the price should be higher than it is, but it isn’t. There’s confusion in the marketplace, and there are two reactions; the reaction in the west is fear, confusion and uncertainty; the reaction in the east is buying. Now, this gentleman we were talking to probably has a better idea of physical gold flow than anybody else globally. He sees what is coming from the mines, he sees what is coming from the UK, and all over the world, as well as where its going. He indicated the price didn’t make sense because he has got so much fabrication demand. They put on three shifts, they’re working 24 hours a day, and originally he thought that would wind down at some point. Well, they’ve been doing it all year. Every time he thinks its going to slow down, he gets more orders, more orders, more orders. They have expanded the plant to where it almost doubles their capacity. 70 % of their kilobar fabrication is going to China, at apace of 10 tons a week. That’s from one refinery, now remember there are 4 of these big ones [refineries] in Switzerland. 
That makes sense because withdraws from the Shanghai Gold Exchange vaults are 40 tons a week on average this year.

Well, there you go.

…At this Swiss refinery there have been several times this year on which they were unable to source gold, this shocked me. They’re bringing in good delivery bars, scrap and dore from the mines, basically all they can get their hands on. This gentleman has been in the business for 37 years, he was there during the last bull market in the late seventies. I asked him when was the last time this has happened, that he was unable to source gold, he said never. And I clarified it, I asked: let me make sure if I understand what you’re saying to me, in the last 37 years you’ve worked in the gold industry this has never happened? He said: this has never happened.

…There was one other comment that was fascinating, he said sometimes when they get gold in, it’s coming from the back corners of the vaults. He knew this because these were good delivery bars marked in the sixties. This is a huge supply squeeze and its worse than anything that has happened in the last four decades. At some point there is going to be a massive squeeze on the price.

…All four Swiss refineries combined may be doing as much as  [supply China] 2000 tons this year. That doesn’t include what the Perth Mint ships to China, it doesn’t include the 400 tons the Chinese mined domestically, and it doesn’t include what they mined offshore with the mining companies they own all over the world. I suspect that total Chinese demand can reach as much as total global mining production this year.
…He also noted, in China there are 6 LBMA refineries but he has never seen a Chinese gold bar, they’re keeping it all. Gold that goes into China is like going into a black-hole. I don’t think it will be available on the market for decades to come, which only tightens the physical supply.

…The Chinese aren’t buying it for trading, they’re buying it as part of their wealth foundation for future generations. When the communists came to power in 1949, Chiang Kai-shek and the nationalist army fled the country and took all the gold with them. On that moment China had no gold, although they had thousands of years of history with gold, they had to start all over. I think the importance of rebuilding their gold reserves had been there in the last decades, but it accelerated the last three years or so, encouraging their people heavily to buy.
I also heard there is strong kilobar demand from the Middel East.

That’s because Dubai does a lot of clearing for that entire area. Given what’s happening to Saudi Arabia, and the potential that Saudi Arabia is separating itself from the United States, essentially the whole petro-dollar is at risk for them. Normally what they would do is sell their oil for dollars and then buy US treasuries, but if they’re gonna separate from the US they’re not gonna buy US treasuries. So what are they gonna buy?


Yes, possibly. That’s what we think. We don’t think they will be buying US treasuries, they supported them for 40 years, but the US has basically stabbed them in the back.
Alasdair Macleod actually said, on the Keiser Report, that a lot of 400 ounce bars from the Middle East are being refined in Switzerland into 1 K 4 nine bars [a gold bar of 1 kilogram, 99.99 % purity] and then sent back. Is the 1 K 4 nine bar becoming some new form of liquidity?

Possibly, all the demand that we can see in China is for 1 K bars. They want kilo, and they want four nines.

When do think the price is going to rise?

I’m not comfortable to put a time on this. What I do know is that we are on the threshold of a situation that has never occurred before. A squeeze is imminent, it could take 3 months or 6 months, but all I know is that it’s coming, and I know that with 100 % certainty.   

Silver – A Rigged Market Coming To An End

The Western central bankers have been leasing, hypothecating and re-hypothecating gold with impunity.  Then, in the 1990s, China wanted its gold back from the United States. “Sorry, Chinks!” was the arrogant response from the US.  It was gone, “leased” out to keep a controlled lid on the world’s price of gold.  Central bankers were running a scam, one of the largest Ponzi schemes, ever.
Huge mistake.
It is now payback time for the Chinese.  Now aligned with Russia, Brazil, India, and South Africa, the BRICS nations have formed a trading alliance outside of the US petro-dollar.  The world’s reserve currency has not only been challenged, it has fast become irrelevant, except in West and EU, and even in the EU, that is changing.
The golden genie was let out of the bottle over a decade ago, and all the central bankers cannot put it back.  Every attempt has been made to keep a lid on the price of silver and gold by central bankers desperate to hang onto their waning power.
The elites have kept pressure on PMs to keep their last gasp efforts of control alive.  The current price of silver has nothing to do with supply and demand, nothing.  It is all about central banks being used by the elites to prevent silver and gold from exposing the fraud.
Once the lid is taken off the precious metals markets, they will leave Bitcoin in the dust.
[Read more...]

黃金斬首行動 之三 倫敦金:高貴的出身,私密的做派 宋鴻兵



倫敦的五大金商幾乎都是兩三百年的老字號,最赫赫有名的自然是羅斯柴爾德家族,他們不僅控制著歐洲各國的公債市場,而且也是世界黃金市場的霸主,在19世紀號稱是“歐洲第六大強權”。除羅家之外,莫卡塔家族(Mocatta)堪稱老二,在倫敦經營黃金業務已歷9代,甚至比羅家的資格還要老。其它三家包括早在1750年就開始金銀檢驗的莊信万豐公司(Johnson Matthey),夏普斯·皮克斯利公司(Sharps,Pixley),和塞繆爾·蒙塔古公司(Samuel Montagu)。






英鎊的弱勢被世人看得清清楚楚,美元的強大各國心裡更是明明白白。 1913年戰前的四大經濟強國,美、英、德、法共有黃金儲備50億美元,其中美國最多為20億,英國8億,德國10億,法國12億。而戰後,在四大強國60億美元的黃金儲備總額中,美國已坐擁45億美元,超過英國5倍以上,佔有絕對優勢。但大英帝國顯然無法及時調整霸主的心態,英格蘭銀行堅持只用英鎊定價黃金,而英鎊對美元卻在明顯貶值。







當金價比較穩定時,一次試價就夠了,但金價波動劇烈時,可能必須試二三十次。 1979年10月的一次定價,竟然試了1小時39分鐘!最長的一次發生在1990年3月23日,一家中東銀行要求賣出至少14噸黃金,時間延長到2小時26分,價格在定盤過程中跌了20美元。定盤成交最大的一次,發生在1968年3月,當時美軍在越南失利,英鎊又大幅貶值,投機者蜂擁買入黃金,西方央行組成的黃金平準總庫(Good Pool)被擠兌超過2000噸黃金。為此倫敦黃金市場關閉了整整2週。金市重開後,金價不再以英鎊確定,而是按美元定價。





