
Second Giant Sea Creature Washes Ashore Along Santa Monica Coastline - Alarms Sound Over Radioactive Gigantism

Giant Squid Discovered On California Coast And Scientists Suspect Radioactive Gigantism

SANTA MONICA, CA -- For the second time in recent months, a giant sea creature has washed ashore in California.  First it was a rare oarfish that had grown to a freakish 100-foot length.  This time it was a giant squid measuring a whopping 160 feet from head to tentacle tip.
These giants look different but experts believe they share one important commonality: they both come from the waters near the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant in the Futaba District of Japan.
Scientists believe that following the 2011 disaster at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant an unknown number of sea creatures suffered genetic mutations that triggered uncontrolled growth – or “radioactive gigantism.”

Unfortunately, this cadre of mutant giants seems to be drifting towards the continental U.S.  Local officials in Santa Monica, CA – where the creature drifted ashore – tried to calm residents.  “This creature appears to be deceased and even if alive only thrives in water,” said Santa Monica Parks Manager Cynthia Beard.  “We intend to move the creature in pieces to Scripps Research Institute so that they can study it,” she noted.
Although not yet well understood, radioactive gigantism is said to result when radiation causes changes to the growth regulating portions of the DNA of affected organisms.  When growth regulators fail to control cellular growth, an organism may reach many times its regular body size.
Local radioactive gigantism expert Santa Marino College biology professor Martin L. Grimm, PhD said that the nuclear disaster may have had some unintended benefits.  “These creatures give us the chance to study radioactive gigantism,” he said.  Grimm believes that harnessing radioactive gigantism may be like harnessing the atom to create atomic energy.  “Imagine a tuna fish that could feed a city the size of Austin, Texas,” he said.  “This is the possibility of radioactive gigantism.”

Others find the giant sea creatures to be a potential safety concern.  Even before the giant squid washed ashore, the U.S. Coast Guard had issued a “blue alert” for residents in central and southern Californian coasts “to remain watchful.”  Yesterday Admiral Sandy Duncan-Roberts said that she would need to raise the awareness level to a “yellow alert” which asks resident to “exercise caution” along the shoreline.
Are giant sea creatures really a threat for those on land?  “Take Jaws but make him the size of a Manhattan skyscraper,” said Bruce Kenner, a marine biologist at UC San Diego.  Kenner thinks that gigantism might distort sea creatures' navigational systems.  “If that guy took a wrong turn onto the coastline he could level 40 city blocks thrashing before he comes to rest,” he said.
Residents are anxious now that a second creature has surfaced.  “Before we only worried about parking when we went to the beach,” said Marquise Griffon.  “Now we have to worry about Godzilla [stuff] coming after us.”
If any residents spot an unusually sized sea creature, they should call the U.S. Coast Guard hotline at 1-800-BIG-FISH (or 1-800-244-3474).

UPDATE 12:53 PM PST -- Local authorities have requested that tourists and others interested in seeing the beached squid to refrain from visiting Santa Monica due to traffic and safety concerns. An area around the beach has been cordoned off to prevent sight-seers. In a statement released to the media Gov. Jerry Brown assured local residents that the area is safe and it is “business as usual” in Santa Monica. Gov. Brown indicated that plans to dismember the squid for transport to Scripps Research Institute “will not be delayed.”

UPDATE 7:36 PM PST -- Santa Monica residents residing near the beach have reported significant activity, but no one can get close enough to the beach to view the scene. Two chinook helicopters have been hovering for over an hour approximately 500 meters from where the squid was positioned early this morning. Although not corroborated, there are reports of sporadic popping sounds coming from the beach that from description could be small arms fire.


王冠一 日本國民 儲蓄過度


現 時日本國民,超額儲蓄的情況頗嚴重。企業方面,即使日圓貶值有助爭取更多出口訂單,但企業未見趁機擴張投資或加薪,只是不斷增加手頭現金。截至去年9月底 止,日本企業持有的現金總額,按年增加5.9%。換言之,企業未有積極參與加快金錢流轉(Velocity of Money)的活動,削弱了央行量寬的效果。

至於個人方面,日本國民普遍擔心經濟前景,加上經歷了超過二十年的通縮,早已養成消極的消 費習慣。截至去年底,全日本所有流通的現金,合計增加至90萬億日圓(折算約8600億美元)。如果按國家的經濟規模計,日本乃全球主要工業國中流通現金 最多的國家。舉例講,目前美國國民平均每人持有大約2029美元的流動現金,但每名日本國民竟持有超過6000美元!



日 本國民不斷儲錢,但又不願消費,政府也許印多少鈔票也無法達致通脹預期。目前全日本有87%的流通現金,並非存放在銀行內,而是由個人、企業、地方政府等 持有。因此,日本政府的如意算盤是:先給予國民一點甜頭,讓他們多賺點錢;當國民的財富增加,自然會願意多點消費,降低偏高的儲蓄率。辦法就是鼓勵國民投 資股票。





上海金交所 計劃上半年 在上海自貿區啟動黃金國際板







貝萊德:礦企關閉高成本礦山 將導致黃金供應大幅下滑

貝萊德集團(BlackRock Inc.)全球礦業基金經理Evy Hambro週五(1月10日)在接受媒體採訪時表示,由於礦企不斷削減成本,並轉向收益更高的礦山(抑制高成本礦山的黃金產量),預計供應很快就會以“相當快”的速度下滑。

Hambro稱,“在目前國際金價下跌的大環境下,極少有礦企能從中獲利,如果未來多數礦企繼續以上述形式來維持收支平衡,則黃金產量將很快開始下滑。”2013年迫於金價下跌的壓力,黃金礦業的巨頭--巴里克黃金公司(Barrick Gold Corp)曾相繼出售旗下位於澳大利亞的三座礦山。

同時巴里克首席執行官Jamie Sokalsky也強調,未來還會進一步出售公司旗下的資產。另外,哈莫尼黃金公司(Harmony Gold Mining Co)近期也表示將進一步削減成本,其中包括設備以及勘探的支出。數據顯示,2013年費城證券交易所(Philadelphia Stock Exchange Gold)黃金白銀指數下滑49%,因美國經濟持續改善,同時投資者已逐漸對貴金屬的保值作用失去信心。


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高級金屬與礦業分析師Kenneth W Hoffman在本次報告中指出,2013年中國央行可能增持622噸黃金,而2012年可能增持380噸。



