
Man Who Predicted Collapse Of Euro Against Swiss Franc Makes Second Terrifying Prediction

Today the man who 52 days ago remarkably predicted the collapse of the euro against the Swiss franc just issued a second terrifying prediction.  This King World News interview takes a trip down the rabbit hole of desperate central banks, massive losses and total global collapse.
Eric King:  “Egon, the ECB has just announced this 1.1 trillion euro package in a desperate attempt to fight off deflation.”
Greyerz:  “These decisions by the central banks have virtually no impact whatsoever on the underlying economy over the longer-term.  They did what they had to do because the European banking system as well as the economy is in dire straits.
Central banks still believe that by printing money they can kick-start their economies and save the financial system.  That’s not the case.  There is no chance whatsoever to change the outcome of an indebted and bankrupt European economy….

Even though this will have a short-term effect on markets, people need to understand that this just creates even more debt that will never be repaid.  But the ECB is now pushing on a string because, sadly, printing money is the only thing they know how to do.
As it becomes clear that this new money printing program is also a failure, the ECB will then accelerate the money printing.  This will have the effect of rapidly debasing the purchasing power of the euro and it will also lead to even more chaos in Europe.  It is of paramount importance that investors protect themselves against this coming wealth destruction.”
Disastrous Prediction Unfolds
Eric King:  “Egon, with remarkable precision you predicted what turned out to be a 58-sigma market-shocking move by the Swiss National Bank.  The former White House official, Dr. Philippa Malmgren, told King World News that faith in central banks has now been shattered after massive losses were incurred as a result of the Swiss National Bank going back on its guarantee to keep the peg in place.”
Greyerz:  “We don’t yet know what the total losses amount to in the aftermath of the Swiss National Bank’s historic decision but we know they are enormous.  The Swiss franc skyrocketed in seconds and the losses around the world are staggering and have already been sufficient to bring down foreign exchange houses and hedge funds.  But the losses are impacting the bigger banks and the central banks as well.
Swiss National Bank Still Has To Unwind Massive Losing Postions
As an example, the Swiss National Bank has a position of roughly 500 billion Swiss francs, mainly in euros and dollars.  The losses on those currency positions were around 30 percent on the first day.  So the Swiss National Bank is now sitting on an unrealized loss of about 80 billion Swiss francs.
In the coming months and years the SNB will have to reduce the size of its balance sheet.  So they will need to sell their euros and buy Swiss francs.  This is going to have the effect of further strengthening the Swiss franc, which will put even more pressure on the Swiss economy.  So it’s a vicious circle for them.
Total Global Collapse
This is what all central banks have done — they’ve trapped themselves in a corner.  They have zero or negative interest rates, they are printing more money, and they are buying more assets that they can’t sell and that are worth a lot less than they are paying for them.  So every single central bank in the world is bankrupt because they will never, ever get the price for their assets that they paid for them.  This is why the financial system will not survive, Eric, and a total global collapse is now in front of us.” ***ALSO JUST RELEASED: Paul Craig Roberts – The Whole World Is Staring Down The Barrel Of A Gun As Collapse Looms CLICK HERE.





黃金繼續扮演避難所角色,以美元計算的金價攀升到130 7.8美元,為5個月來的高水平;以歐羅計算的金價更推升到1167.76歐羅,是2013年4月以來的高位。歐洲資金四處逃竄,黃金是其中一個選項。



最 近兩個月來金價從低位持續回升,在某一角度來說是由金礦股所帶動,後者的升幅比率比金價大得多。其中一個原因是前幾年金礦股跌幅驚人,例如金甲蟲指數 HUI曾跌至2003年中的低水平,過分超賣引發補倉和趁低吸納是可以理解的。但另一個原因則是較合邏輯的,就是石油價格近年劇跌,直接有助金礦的生產成 本下降,可以改善極為低殘的金礦股表現。數據顯示,較大的金礦公司每產出一盎斯黃金的所有成本,今年有望從去年平均的1000美元降至950美元左右。可 見通脹水平下降並非完全不利於金礦公司,間接地亦非完全不利於金價。簡言之,我們應該留意金礦股的動向。



說 到金價,雖然過去個多月漲勢令人注目,但至今尚未升越1346美元水平,在中長線走勢圖上依然未出現較前升浪更高的高位。此外,由前年開始的低價徘徊區所 形成的下降軌,目前是處於約1325美元附近的水平,此下降軌迄今未被升破。因此從中長線角度來說,尚未能確言金市已轉勢。週線圖的動向指數亦顯示,新的 趨勢仍未形成,只是前段跌勢告一段落。



金 礦股看好指數現已達到一年半來的高水平,遠超一年平均值。本周金市有跟隨金礦股作出若干調整的可能,金價進一步升至1324美元高位的機會諒不 大,1307美元或已成目前阻力;但1279美元是短期支持,1266美元則是良好支持,而1255美元仍是中短期的重大支持水平。



歐洲增寬鬆 黃金求突破

陶冬天下 - 陶冬 



  上周最大市場事件,非歐洲央行的QE決定莫屬。ECB總裁德拉吉宣佈自三月起,歐洲央行每月購買600億歐元的主權債務和民間債務,總規模超過1.1萬億,而且如果計劃未能達到提升CPI至2%的目的,QE計劃可能延長。這是歐洲貨幣史上最大手筆的政策舉動,遠遠超過市場的預期,連來自QE源頭的美國華爾街日報,也以「massive stimulus」(巨額刺激政策)為標題形容之。德拉吉是市場心理學大師,他以購債規模和執行速度來打動市場之心,再次取得短期的戰術性成功。不過他要達到長期政策目標,就面臨著重重困難。歐洲復甦中缺失的一環,是結構性改革。沒有結構性改革,經濟缺乏活性與動力,社會福利負擔和就業限制窒息投資意欲,沒有投資便難有新的就業機會,消費每況愈下。而且貨幣政策要想對實體經濟起到作用,必須以來銀行借貸的配合,這個暫時也沒有見到希望。結構性改革,更需要各國政府的全力行動,這個超出了德拉吉的權力範圍。歐洲QE從市場角度看十分重要,因為它在改變流動性製造源、資金流向、利率收益分佈上的格局,也可能影響其它央行的政策思維,不過其對實體經濟的刺激作用則有待觀察。 


