











Fall 2015 Turning Point-Civil Unrest and Riots-Martin Armstrong


By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  (Early Sunday Release)

Legendary financial analyst Martin Armstrong says the world is going to be hitting a major “turning point” this fall.  Armstrong says this is the end of a 300 year cycle and contends, “This appears to be a peak, as far as governments and bond markets are concerned, and from there, we are going to be turning down.  We are in a lot of trouble with most of these governments.  Our models say that by 2020, the amount of interest we pay . . . will exceed the entire defense budget.  So, this is pretty serious.”
Armstrong says his model marks the actual turning point on October 15, 2015.  So, what’s in store?  Armstrong says, “First, you get the deflation, and then, you move to the inflation.  It’s kind of like a pendulum–it swings to the extreme to both sides.”

So, when the government bond bubble pops, what happens to people getting a government check?  Armstrong says, “That’s the big problem.  They’ve wiped out pension funds all over the place.  That’s the danger of civil unrest, and that’s what our computers have been warning about as well as very serious sharp riots and third party activity for 2016. . . . When governments are broke, they come after us.”

Will the Fed finally raise interest rates?  Armstrong contends, “The Fed will have no real choice. . . . The Fed will come under significant pressure to raise interest rates because the newspapers and Congress will blame them and say they are creating a bubble with low interest rates.  The more they raise interest rates, the higher the stock market will go.  I know that sounds crazy . . . historically, interest rates bottom with the markets.  I mean, you lose confidence and people won’t borrow.”

Will rising interest rates kill the bond and housing markets?  Armstrong goes on to say, “The bond market, yes, it will accelerate the problems as far as other foreign countries that have issued dollar based debt.  The emerging markets will get like Greece.  So, we have a serious worldwide problem going on here.”

So, when the Fed starts raising rates, will some currencies collapse?  Armstrong says, “Sure, this is what’s pushing the dollar up.  Most people don’t realize that the dollar is the only real game in town.  In Europe, you see the difference in the mentality there compared to the United States.  In the United States, we are still in a fog; over there they feel the pain.  What are they doing?  They are basically selling all the euro debt everywhere, and they are buying the German debt.   It’s not that they think Germany is fantastic, but they are assuming that the euro is going to fail.”

On gold, Armstrong says, “Gold rises when people lose confidence in government.  It has nothing to do with inflation.  So, when you start to worry about government is not going to survive or who’s going to win, that’s when gold rises.  Short term, we still have the risk of it going under $1,000 per ounce.  It’s going to flip when everything is right.  It will probably max out at $5,000 per ounce. . . . You are really talking about a major reset coming.  300 years ago, that was the revolutions against monarchy.  Today, it’s going to be revolution against . . . pretend democracy.  We do not have a democracy.”

Armstrong says you can forget about the U.S. dollar crashing in value.  Armstrong contends, “No, that’s absurd.  The euro is in terrible shape.  The yen is in terrible shape, and honestly, you can’t park money in yuan or Russian rubles yet.  I mean, let’s be realistic here, but eventually– yes.”
In closing, Armstrong says just a few percentage points in rising rates are going to cause big losses and big changes.  Armstrong predicts, “People will be losing huge money.  We are looking at a few percentage points, and you are going to blow the national debts of all these countries way out of whack, and that’s what’s going to force political change.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Martin Armstrong of ArmstrongEconomics.com.

歐銀放貸 倒貼利息

國際視野 - 王冠一 2015年4月15日







歐 洲央行周三舉行議息會議前夕公布新一份銀行貸款調查報告,顯示在極低息的環境下,企業對貸款需求增加,而歐洲銀行放貸額亦有所上升。調查指,9%的銀行在 過去一季放寬了借貸條款;1%的銀行預計未來三個月亦會放寬相關條款。不過,隨著負利率成為常態,銀行能持續送錢放貸嗎?

負利率下,貸 款額有機會愈來愈細,當借錢變成「零成本」甚至「有賺」,會否鼓勵市場投機行為,造成資產泡沫?而對銀行來說,當中期Euribor都開始跌至負水平時 (目前六個月Euribor為0.078%),更多相關掛鈎的貸款將受影響,屆時特別是二三線歐洲國家的銀行貸款風險或會上升,最終會否引發系統性風險 呢?這些都值得市場關注。

