
SHOCKING CHART: The Silver Supply Crunch Continues

There is no other way to describe the radical change that has taken place in several areas of the silver supply market this year other than to say…. it’s quite shocking.  While certain analysts stated that the silver supply would indeed fall this year, I don’t believe anyone could have envisioned the kind of declines displayed in the chart below.

When I first discussed this subject matter in an interview last month, I thought there might be a chance that this silver data was incorrect… a typo of some sort.  However, the second quarter figures that were just released, do confirm just how dreadful silver supply has fallen from these two areas.

With the ongoing surge in physical silver investment demand and the rapidly falling Registered Silver Inventories at the COMEX, any decline in silver supply will only exacerbate the current tightness in the silver market.

Now, when we talk about “Declines”, the market normally states changes in the 2-5% range.  This may not seem like a lot, but when we are discussing large figures, 2-5% can add up to a lot of silver.  That being said, the figures shown in the graph below… ARE TOTALLY OFF THE CHARTS:


According to the data put out by official sources, Canada’s silver production (Jan-Jun) this year is down nearly 20% and Australia’s is down a stunning 30%. While it’s true that Canada isn’t a large silver producer, a 20% decline is still a big number in my book.  The reason for the decline in Canadian silver production is due to several large base metal zinc mines shutting down operations last year.

As for why Australia’s silver production fell a whopping 30% decline (9.5 million oz) in the first half of the year, part of the reason may be due to a major drop in supply from the world’s largest silver mine… the Cannington Mine.  Regardless, the combined silver supply from these two countries fell a stunning 11 million oz, 28% in just the first half of the year.

Even though silver production has declined from some of the other leading producers, it’s quite surprising to see the 4th ranked country in the world suffer a 30% reduction in supply in one year.

According to the data put out by several sources (Mexico INEGI, Peru Ministry of Energy & Mines, Australia Dept. of Energy & Resources and Chile’s Cochilco) here are the trends of the top five producers for half-year:

Top Five Silver Producers Change (Jan-Jun)

Mexico = -5%

Peru = +3.8%

China = EVEN

Australia = -30%

Chile = -6%

Unfortunately, falling world silver supply is taking place at the very same time as physical silver investment demand is skyrocketing.  As I stated in several interviews, I believe the current draw-down of Registered Silver Inventories at the COMEX is mainly due to this huge increase investment demand as industrial silver demand is likely shrinking.

It will be interesting to see how events play out in the financial and broader stock markets over the next few months.  If we do see major declines in these markets indices, this could cause even more investors to buy gold and silver.

If you think wait times of 2 months for certain silver investment products are long now… who knows how bad things could get in the future.




为赚100年后的钱 有一群傻瓜花钱帮巴西收集“垃圾”

巴西雷亚尔大幅贬值已经有了首批受害者:General ShoppingBrasil SA的债券。

据彭博消息,这家购物商城运营商提出折价回购价值不超过5000万美元的优先票据:如果债券持有人9月29日之前同意,价格为面值的51%;如果再过两周,则是面值的48%。虽然这样的交易对投资者而言是巨大亏损,但很多基金经理建议投资者接受,因为这家总部位于圣保罗的公司可能会申请破产保护。而且,General Shopping已经在9月20日错过了对1.5亿美元次级债的利率兑付。

随着巴西经济可能陷入大萧条以来最长的经济衰退,General Shopping并不是第一家出问题的公司。但今年其他公司的债务违约——包括CeagroAgricola Ltda和OAS SA——要么跟大宗商品下跌有关,要么跟庞大的腐败丑闻有关。General Shopping的问题与众不同:由于本币大幅贬值,且该公司全部收入都是雷亚尔,其美元债务让其不堪重负。

“只要货币大幅贬值,就有企业亏损惨重,”纽约Torino Capital首席执行官Jorge Piedrahita表示。“有大量美元债务的企业风险更大,违约案件在增加。”




“由于政治谈判的缘故,气氛凝重,如果美元/雷亚尔触及4这一关键门槛,我不会感到意外,”London Capital Group的分析师Ipek Ozkardeskaya表示。



俄罗斯8月大量买入黄金储备 意味浓厚





BullionVault研究主管Adrian Ash表示,“俄罗斯已经致力于增加其黄金储备很长一段时间了,而目前这一行动的政治味道尤为明显。新兴市场对于黄金的需求继续扩大,这对于黄金价格是明显的利好信息。”

